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研究生(外文):Hui-Chi Liu
論文名稱(外文):A Study Of Dedicated Production Configuration OfMulti-Chip Packaging Process
指導教授(外文):Shin-Ming Guo
外文關鍵詞:Machine utilizationJob assignmentMachine set
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本論文應用在製品投料(Work in process)管制與投單速率(Arrival rate)等條件併存狀態,尋求系統的適當生產配置(Production configuration)之模式與解析方法。研究成果分成三部分;首先,以封裝產業前段製程之黏晶(Die-attaching)站與銲線(Wire-bonding)站作為研究對象,並考量產品種類設計差異、規格限制多元與機台設備資源分配等因素,探討機台整備次數(Setup count)、總流程時間(Process flow time)以及專用機(Dedicated machines)與通用機(General machine)之配置等評估目標,因而解決生產過程中之迴流製程(Re-entrant process)所造成產品製造瓶頸問題。
This work presents a simulation result and analytical mode using WIP (work in process) control and arrival rate to investigate an optimization on a dedicated production configuration of multi-chip package. This work is composed of three parts. The first part describes the mainly object whose studies include the die-attaching and wire-bonding processes built in the preceding fabrication of IC-package industry. According to the difference on both the product design and the limit of the multi-specifications, as well as the differental allocation of resources on equipment, an analytical mode is developed to integrate the machine setup counts, the process flow times and the dedicated machine allocations in a predictable production scheduling system. Therefore, a fabrication bottleneck problem emerged from an issue of re-entrant process in IC-package manufacture is solved.
The second part introduces how to investigate both the requirements on the general machines for developing the new type products and the allocation modes on the dedicated machine for mass production. From the study results to know, a most appropriate condition can be predicted with respect to that the product quantities and its order are continually increased as well as the production cycle time is also fully reduced and controlled. In the third part, a package software Arena for simulating the system operations is used to construct an analytical mode for manufacturing scheduling the products with multi-chip package. The analytical mode considers five kinds of product type, four machine allocations and all characteristics of IC-package fabrication. The analytical results are regarded as a good reference for the designers who will investigate the similar cases.
At last, from the comparisons between analytical data with respect to all parameters, it is known a good result on production configuration to fabricate the multi-chip product when the system considers both WIP control and minimum number of machine. At the same time, in spite of that the product quantities on WIP is little to increase, the system has the maximum value in the setup count of the general machines for die-attaching, the process flow time as well as the utilization rate of the dedicated machines for both die-attaching and wire-bonding fabrication. This work is also to verify the system efficiency is enhanced when the quantities of the general and dedicated machines are allocated. Furthermore, the final results provide the evidences and references to let the process designers and the production supervisor to make the strategic importane decision.
摘要 i
致 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1. 1 研究背景 1
1. 2 研究動機 3
1. 3 研究目的 5
1. 4 研究範圍與限制條件 6
1. 5 研究架構 8
第二章 文獻探討 10
2. 1 多晶片IC封裝製程 10
2.1.1 封裝流程介紹 10
2.1.2 封裝生產特性 12
2.1.3 多晶片堆疊封裝型態概要 14
2. 2 機台配置 16
2.2.1 平行機台 16
2.2.2 機台整備時間 17
2.2.3 專用機及通用機設定 18
第三章 研究設計 20
3. 1 系統設定 20
3. 2 研究方法 26
3.2.1 第一階段實驗設計 27
3.2.2 第二階段實驗設計 29
3. 3 模組建構 31
3.3.1. 產品流程概述 31
3.3.2. 實驗模組參數設定 38
第四章 實驗分析 42
4. 1 第一階段實驗之結果解析 42
4. 2 第二階段實驗之結果解析 48
4. 3 實驗結果討論 58
第五章 結論與後續研究課題 70
5. 1 成果摘要 70
5.1.1 機台配置之結果 71
5.1.2 其它結果之配置 71
5. 2 後續研究課題 72
參考文獻 73
附錄 76
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