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研究生(外文):An-cheng Lo
論文名稱(外文):Study of Mechanical Properties of Si-DLC Coatings by Using the Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering
指導教授(外文):Yu-sen Yang
外文關鍵詞:Si-DLC thin filmunbalanced magnetron sputteringC2H2 flow rate
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本研究利用非平衡磁控濺鍍Si-DLC薄膜,並根據薄膜性質之變化,探討硬度及磨耗率兩性質為主。研究方法以田口實驗L18 (2×3)進行初步參數之性質最佳化,並由影響較大之實驗因子做逐一因子實驗,探索其個別因子對薄膜結構及性質的變化。
由硬度因子效果圖得到,硬度之最佳參數組合為乙炔流量0 sccm、Si&C靶電流 1.5A、C靶電源 3A、基材偏壓60V、基板治具轉速 9 rpm、頻率 100 kHZ、離子轟擊電壓-300V。經由硬度最佳化確認實驗驗證其硬度能有效提升,由未鍍膜前的Hv790提升至Hv4037,與初始參數相比,其S/N增益高達4.12 dB,當每增加6dB時,則輸出的標準差減少一半,故最佳化設計與初始條件之品質特性,實際輸出的標準差減少61%,與預測增益4.71±4.71×50%作為驗證範圍,此為成功之驗證實驗。而確認實驗S/N比為4.12,在此範圍內,驗證此實驗為成功的。
由田口L18實驗變異數分析,可發現不管是硬度或者磨耗率,乙炔流量皆為最重要的控制因子,其因子貢獻度分別佔了72.9%及80.04%,因此乙炔流量為本實驗中重點探討之因子。 以硬度最佳化參數組合為主, 單一改變乙炔流量,從0 ~10 sccm為變數,當乙炔流量逐漸上升時,磨耗率由原本的1.43E-05 (mm3‧N-1‧m-1)降低為1.30E-07 (mm3‧N-1‧m-1),其效能提高約99倍,而硬度從Hv4037降低為Hv2905,僅損失了28%,因此判定此薄膜參數即:乙炔流量8 sccm、Si&C靶電流 1.5A、C靶電源 3A、基材偏壓60V、基板治具轉速 9 rpm、頻率 100 kHz、離子轟擊電壓-300V,為Si-DLC薄膜中具有高硬度低磨耗率特性之薄膜。
This study investigates film hardness and wear rate of Si-DLC films prepared by unbalanced magnetron sputtering process. A L18(2×3) orthogonal array experiment was proceed for determining optimal process parameters by Taguchi method. Meanwhile, the single-factor experiments were progressed to discuss the influence of each experimental parameter. From the effect plot for film hardness, the optimal process parameters for film hardness are acetylene flow rate at 0 sccm, middle frequency target current at 1.5 A, direct current on target at 3A, bias voltage of substrates at -60 V, rotation speed of substrate holder at 9 rpm, substrate pulse frequency at 100 kHz and ion beam voltage at -300 V. The film hardness increases from Hv 790 to Hv 4037, compared to undeposited substrates. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) increases 4.12 db, compared to the original process parameter set. The SNR also indicates an accepted result in reconstruction calculation. From the results of analysis of variation (ANOVA), the percent contributions of acetylene flow rate are 72.90 and 80.04 % on film hardness and wear rate, respectively. It indicates thatthe acetylene flow rate is a significant factor in this study.
In experiments of the optimal process parameters for film hardness, the wear rate decreased from 1.44E-5 to 1.31E-7 mm3·N-1·m-1 with theacetylene flow rate increases from 0 to 10 sccm. However, the hardness decreased from Hv4038 to Hv2905. The gain of wear resistance is 99 times and the loss of film hardness is 28%. The process parameters: acetylene flow rate at 8sccm, middle frequency target current at 1.5 A, direct current on target at 3A, bias voltage of substrates at -60 V, rotation speed of substrate holder at 9 rpm, substrate pulse frequency at 100 kHz and ion beam voltage at -300 V, perform the highest wear resistance and high hardness properties of Si-DLC films.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IIV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
第2章 基礎原理與文獻回顧 3
2.1 濺鍍原理 3
2.1.1 濺鍍技術總類 3
2.1.2 濺鍍原理 7
2.1.3 平衡/非平衡磁控濺鍍系統 13
2.1.4 薄膜成長過程 16
2.1.5 鍍膜成長微結構模型 21
2.2 SiC與DLC薄膜性質 24
2.2.1 SiC薄膜特性 24
2.2.2 DLC薄膜特性 26
2.3 田口實驗計畫法 28
2.4 磨耗理論及磨耗機構 30
2.4.1 刮損磨耗(Abrasive Wear) 30
2.4.2 表面疲勞磨耗(Surface fatigue Wear) 31
2.4.3 黏著磨耗(Adhesive Wear) 32
2.4.4 氧化或其他化學反應 33
2.4.5 擴散磨耗 33
2.5 薄膜性質分析原理與設備介紹 34
2.5.1 薄膜厚度量測、SEM顯微結構 34
2.5.2 硬度試驗 36
2.5.3 磨耗試驗(Pin-on-disk) 36
2.5.4 X 光光電子能譜儀 38
2.5.5 拉曼(Raman)光譜分析 39
第3章 實驗設計與配置 40
3.1 實驗設計與目的 40
3.2 實驗材料與濺鍍設備 42
3.3 實驗流程基材準備與前處理 45
3.4 實驗流程 47
第4章 結果與討論 50
4.1 Si-DLC沉積速率前置實驗 50
4.2 田口L18實驗結果與討論 51
4.2.1 田口實驗結果 51
4.2.2 田口最佳化分析 53
4.2.3最佳化確認實驗 58
4.3多目標討論Si-DLC薄膜之硬度及磨耗率 59
4.4 改變乙炔流量對Si-DLC薄膜機械性質之影響 62
4.4.1 鍵結型態 63
4.4.2 機械性質 68
第5章 結論 72
參考文獻 74
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