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研究生(外文):Cho Chun-Ching
指導教授(外文):Wu Sheng-Guang
外文關鍵詞:Young aboriginal baseball playersVisual information processing abilityGo/No-go testCOVATInhibitory reaction time abilityReaction time
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【背景與目的】棒球被譽為臺灣的國球,其中又以原住民種族的選手參與棒球人數比其他運動項目還要多,過去研究證實臺灣原住民兒童在運動表現上明顯比非原住民較佳,然而,卻鮮少有研究比較原住民與非原住民視覺訊息處理能力之差異;由於優秀運動員在視覺能力的好壞對於運動表現的優劣是一個很重要的影響因素,且過去研究也證實動作協調能力與視覺訊息處理能力之間存在著相關性。因此,本研究分析優秀原住民與非原住民棒球隊兒童在視覺訊息處理能力上的差異,及探討兩種族之視覺訊息處理能力與動作協調能力的相關性。【方法】使用「兒童動作評估量表測試工具(Movement Assessment Battery for Children test)」檢測兒童之動作協調能力,共篩選出40位年齡介於11-12歲之國小棒球隊兒童為受試者,其中原住民男童18位,非原住民男童22位;所有兒童均接受Go/No-go任務測驗與視覺空間注意力任務測試(COVAT test)兩項工具評量。【結果】研究結果顯示兩種族兒童在動作協調能力上並沒有顯著的差異,而非原住民棒球隊兒童在Go/No-go測驗上之反應時間上顯著快於原住民兒童,也表示原住民在認知功能處理訊息的效率較非原住民差。而COVAT測驗則顯示非原住民不論在四肢混合測驗或是單獨上肢測驗、單獨下肢測驗上,都表現出較快的反應時間,兩組在抑制性反應能力及錯誤率則是沒有差異;整體結果似乎表示原住民棒球隊兒童之視覺空間注意力略較非原住民差;此外,在動作協調能力及視覺訊息處理能力則無關聯性存在。【結論】原住民與非原住民棒球隊兒童在動作協調能力上沒有顯著差異,而原住民棒球隊兒童之視覺訊息處理能力比非原住民棒球隊兒童差,且在動作協調能力及視覺訊息處理能力上無顯著相關,未來研究可擴大樣本進一步探討。
【Background &purpose】 Baseball is known as the national sport in Taiwan. There are more aboriginal players attending baseball than any other sports. It is found in the past studies that the aboriginal children in Taiwan were obviously better in the motor performance than the non-aboriginal children. However, there was no researcher examining the visual information processing abilities between the two races. Vision is the main perceptual system of human beings and guides our body movements to generate the activities. Visual information processing ability and reaction capacity are the important factors in sport excellence. In the past studies, motor coordination and visual information processing ability are found correlated. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to investigate the visual information abilities of 11 to 12 years old elite young baseball players between aboriginal and non-aboriginal races, and to analyze the coordination between the abilities of visual information processing and motor coordination in elite young baseball players between two races.【Methods】The Movement Assessment Battery for Children test was used to identify whether children had the problems in movement coordination. A total of 40 participants enrolled in the study. Among them were 18 aboriginal young baseball players and 22 non-aboriginal young baseball players. Each child was evaluated with the Go/No-go test and the Covert Orienting of Visuospatial Attention(COVAT).【Results】 The results showed there was no significant difference in motor abilities between two races. In the Go/No-go test, non-aboriginal children showed faster reaction time than aboriginal children. It represents the efficiency of cognitive processing ability in aboriginal children is poorer than the other group. Non-aboriginal children showed shorter reaction time compared to aboriginal children. There was no significant difference in inhibitory reaction time and response errors. It showed that non-aboriginal children had better visual covert attention compared to aboriginal children. No significant correlation between visual perception ability and movement coordination ability was found.【Conclusion】We concluded that elite young non-aboriginal children demonstrated the better visual information ability than aboriginal children. However, the correlation between visual perception ability and movement coordination ability was no evident. The further study with increasing sample size is warranted to explore the topic in grater depth.
宋岱芬、陳薇宇、黃明祥、吳昇光(2008)。 運動員之視覺訊息處理能力。健康促進科學,3(2),113-121。
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