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研究生(外文):Kao, Yu-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Risk Management of Small and Medium Electrical &; Mechanical Projects:Active Risk Management
指導教授(外文):Chu, Yee-Yeen
外文關鍵詞:Project ManagementRisk ManagementActive Threat and Opportunity Management
  • 被引用被引用:2
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主動威脅與機會管理 (Active Threat and Opportunity Management) 的概念是以科學的手法採定性定量分析,將風險進行區分層級結構化建立一標準風險管理模式,在專案執行階段進行風險管理,將風險轉變為機會或將發生機率降至最低。

There are frequently unexpected situations coming from different events resulting in many uncertainties which raise the difficulty in managing small and medium electrical &; mechanical projects. These risks caused by uncertainties may impact the whole project success. For this reason, risk management becomes a critical topic discussed by project managers during project performance evaluation.
The concept of active threat and opportunity management is a qualitative and quantitative analysis method to develop a standard risk management model that separates risk into varied levels and converts it as opportunity as well as reducing the probability of risk occurring during each stage of project implementation.
This thesis tries to build and evaluate a risk management system employing the concept of active threat and opportunity management via an electrical &; mechanical project case study. The study makes a case for the system; comprising an active process integrating multi-level risk analysis, interactive database, and accountable organization management; to prompt proper responses to risk and to consider for solutions that can reduce threat and raise opportunity before risk impacting on project. This thesis provides an example on the practices that produce active control performance (time, cost and quality) through the key stages of project progress, which could serve as a reference for the risk management in small and medium electrical &; mechanical projects.

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目 錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第壹章 緒 論 1
一、研究背景與動機 1
二、研究目的與議題 2
三、研究流程 2
第貳章 文獻探討 4
一、專案管理 4
二、風險管理 5
三、主動威脅與機會管理 10
第參章 研究方法 15
一、個案研究法 15
二、研究步驟 16
三、研究分析 17
四、研究範圍與限制 19
第肆章 個案分析 21
一、個案簡介 21
二、問題定義 23
三、個案公司專案風險管理流程分析 26
四、專案風險管理流程改善 29
五、建置風險管理系統 30
六、執行專案風險管理 33
七、綜合討論 47
1.ATOM及PMBOK風險管理流程比較 47
2.主動式風險管理架構建置及效益分析 49
(1) 主動式風險管理架構建置 49
(2) 案例效益分析 49
(3) 個案公司與客戶端效益分析 51
3.研究議題彙整討論 52
4.流程建置成功的關鍵 53
第伍章 結論與建議 55
一、研究結果與討論 55
二、後續研究及建議 56
參考文獻 57
附 錄 59
附錄一:風險登錄表(範例) 59
附錄二:風險分解結構RBS(範例) 60
附錄三:個案公司工程專案流程圖 61
附錄四:各階段結束之風險討論記錄(範例) 62
附錄五:施工計劃分項施工項目數量表(節錄) 66
附錄六:石門水庫增設取水工程風險登錄表(節錄) 69
附錄七:取水工閘閥及計量設施規劃(節錄) 70
附錄八:監控系統規劃(節錄) 73
附錄九:個案公司受訪人與訪談重點 78

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3. Alexander, C. and Sheedy, E. The Professional Risk Managers' Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Current Theory and Best Practices. PRMIA Publications. 2005.
4. Borodzicz, E. Risk, Crisis and Security Management. New York: Wiley. 2005.
5. Crockford, N. An Introduction to Risk Management (2nd ed.). Woodhead-Faulkner. 1986.
6. Flyvbjerg, B. From Nobel Prize to Project Management: Getting Risks Right . Project Management Journal. Project Management Institute. August 2006, 37 (3): 5–15.
7. Gorrod, M. Risk Management Systems : Technology Trends (Finance and Capital Markets). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2004.
8. Hillson, D., Risk Doctor Briefing. 2004.
9. Hillson, D. Effective Opportunity Management for Projects, 2004.
10. Hillson, D. and Simon, P. Practical Project Risk Management The ATOM Methodology, 2007.
11. IRM/AIRMIC/ALARM. A Risk Management Standard. London: Institute of Risk Management. 2002.
12. Moteff, J. Risk Management and Critical Infrastructure Protection: Assessing, Integrating, and Managing Threats, Vulnerabilities and Consequences. Washington DC: Congressional Research Service. 2005.
13. Project Management Institute (PMI). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK® Guide, Fourth Edition, 2008.
14. Project Management Institute (PMI). Practice Standard for Project Risk Management 2009.
15. Standards Association of Australia. Risk management. North Sydney, N.S.W: Standards Association of Australia. 1999.
16. Yeo, K. T. (1995).“Strategy for risk management through problem framing in technology acquisition.”International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 219-224.
17. Williams , C. A. Jr. and R. M. Heins(1964),Risk Management and Insurance,McGraw-Hill Book Company.
18. DOE, The Owner's Role in Project Risk Management by Committee for Oversight and Assessment of U.S. Department of Energy Project Management and National Research Council (Mar 10, 2005)
19. Buehler, K., A. Freeman and R. Hulme. 2008. The risk revolution - The tools: The new arsenal of risk management. Harvard Business Review (September): 92-100. 哈佛商業評論, 盤點風險管理工具, 2009年1月刊
20. Buehler, K., A. Freeman and R. Hulme. 2008. The risk revolution - The strategy: Owning the right risks. Harvard Business Review (September): 102-110.

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