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研究生(外文):Lee, Chi-Wen
論文名稱(外文):Spatial Correlogram Approach for Classification of Wafer Bin Map Pattern in Semiconductor Manufacturing
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With the rapid development of semiconductor manufacturing technology, it is critical to control the production process effectively and minimize process variation for yield enhancement in semiconductor manufacturing industry. To ensure the assignable cause of process variation, one of the most effective ways is to analyze the spatial defect patterns exhibiting on the wafers. Wafer bin map (WBM) can provide important rules for engineers to rapidly find the potential root cause by identifying patterns correctly. As the driven force for semiconductor manufacturing technology, classification of WBM to the correct pattern becomes more difficult because the same pattern may have different size, density, rotation angle and noise degree on the WBM. Nowadays, most companies still rely on engineers’ experiences of visual inspections and personal judgments in the map patterns. This manual approach is not only subjective, lack of justice and consistent standard, but also very time consuming and inefficient.
This study proposes an approach that integrates spatial corrlegram and decision tree to classify the pattern of WBM. First, each map is testing for spatial randomness test to classified into Random, Repeat and Clustered. For the clustered map, applying a data preparation procedure to enhance the signal of cluster and remove the noise. With a spatial correlogram to detect defect pattern, extracting the wave features based on it, to build an classification tree to classify the pattern of WBM. An simulated data sets was conducted for validation. The experimental results show that our method is robust to random noise and has a robust catching rate regardless the pattern size, density and rotation angle of WBM.

目錄 i
表目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與重要性 1
1.3 研究目的與研究範圍 2
1.4 論文結構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 半導體電性測試 4
2.2 空間統計應用於晶圓圖 7
2.2.1 空間隨機性測試 7
2.2.2 空間相關圖(Spatial correlogram) 9
2.3 晶圓圖樣型辨識相關文獻 13
第三章 晶圓圖樣型分類架構 18
3.1 問題定義 20
3.2 資料準備 22
3.3 晶圓圖空間統計分析 23
3.3.1 空間隨機性測試 23
3.3.2 進退化 23
3.3.3 空間相關圖 24
3.3.4 特徵萃取 26
3.4 晶圓圖樣型分類樹建立 29
3.5 結果評估與解釋 32
第四章 分析結果 36
4.1 問題定義 36
4.2 資料準備 37
4.3 晶圓圖空間統計分析 41
4.3.1 空間隨機性測試 41
4.3.2 進退化 42
4.3.3 空間相關圖 43
4.3.4 特徵萃取 44
4.4 晶圓圖樣型分類樹建立 46
4.5 結果評估與解釋 52
4.6 不同晶圓圖分類方法比較 61
4.7 加入新樣型之探討 63
第五章 結論 65
參考文獻 67

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