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論文名稱(外文):Enhancement in binding efficiency of immunoglobulin G on protein chip through fixed orientation of his-tagged protein A
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我們選用了長短鍊混合硫醇類自組裝的方式希望達到空間分布均勻的效果。長鏈硫醇類選用11個碳化學官能基為COOH來結合蛋白質,而短鏈硫醇類選用5個碳化學官能基為CH3避免蛋白質結合。之前學長研究指出在50%混和比例當中分布比例最佳。我們在蛋白A 的尾端修飾組胺酸用來固定蛋白A方向性,且藉由蛋白A只接抗體Fc端的特性來固定抗體方向性。本實驗想同時藉由混和硫醇類以及蛋白A尾端修飾組胺酸來同時克服抗體方向性以及抗體空間障礙的問題以提高蛋白質晶片的檢測效率。

Table of content
Abstract in Chinese…………………………………………….1




Materials and Methods………………………………………..15




Figures and Tables………………………………………….. 35
Figure 1. DNA manipulation……………………………….....36
Figure 2. Fluorescense intensity on microarray via the protein modified by mixed thiol group………………………………..37
Figure 3. Fluorescence intensity on microarray via recombinant
protein A modified by Ni-NTA group………………………....38
Figure 4. Molecular cloning of spa……………………………39
Figure 5. Construction of pET23a…………………………….40
Figure 6. Ligation of pET23a and spa……………………………41
Figure 7. Different induction time for overexpression of
recombinant protein A…………………………………...........42
Figure 8. Assay activity for IgG binding……………………...43
Figure 9. Purification of recombinant protein A……………....44
Figure 10. Purification of recombinant protein A……………..45
Figure 11. Binding of IgG on protein chip by protein A as
determined by fluorescence…………………………………...46
Figure 12. Intensity of fluorescence on microarray…………...47
Figure 13. Intensity of fluorescence on microarray…………...48

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