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研究生(外文):Chou, Yu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Gamma-ray Irradiation on Isothermal Crystallization of Poly(Ethylene Succinate)
指導教授(外文):Lee, Sanboh
外文關鍵詞:isothermal crystallizationγ-raysuccinate
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聚丁二酸二乙酯的玻璃轉換溫度為-19.9℃;隨著輻射劑量的增加玻璃轉換溫度也隨之上升但是熔點降低。從DSC數據可得知整體結晶速率常數k隨著結晶溫度的下降(從70℃到35℃)而上升但是到30℃又下降。在相同結晶溫度下,隨著輻射劑量的增加達到完整結晶的時間也越久。聚丁二酸二乙酯在等溫結晶之後,經由升溫過程可觀察到多重熔融峰,一般認為是由於升溫過程中的熔融再結晶所造成,並求得平衡熔點會隨著輻射劑量的增加而下降。聚丁二酸二乙酯的球晶成長速率在50℃左右為最大值;並隨著輻射劑量的增加成長速率有顯著的下降,推測其中原因可能是因為加馬輻射對於高分子產生交聯使得分子鏈段移動性下降。將球晶成長速率利用Lauritzen-Hoffman成核理論加以分析,可得到聚丁二酸二乙酯由Regime II轉移到Regime III的溫度為72.5℃且活化能為2.507 kJ/ mole;隨著輻射劑量的增加Regime轉移溫度隨之下降但活化能反之上升。利用相同方式分析由DSC所得到的t1/2-1可得知活化能一樣會隨著輻射劑量的上升而增加。

The isothermal crystallization of semicrystalline polymers and its blends have been studied for a long time, but there is less attention mention about the effect of gamma-ray irradiation on isothermal crystallization of semicrystalline polymers. In this research, the thermal properties, overall isothermal crystallization, spherulitic morphology and growth rate of non-irradiated and irradiated PESU were investigated by DSC and POM measurement and analyzed by Avrami equation and Lauritzen-Hoffman nucleation theory.
The glass transition temperature of non-irradiated PESU is -19.9℃. The values of Tg increases with increasing of gamma-ray dose. The multiple melting behavior of PESU was observed after isothermal crystallization during DSC heating scan and the equilibrium melting temperature Tm0 was determined. The values of Tm0 decrease with increasing of gamma-ray dose. The overall isothermal crystallization rates of PESU increase with decreasing crystallization temperature from 70 to 35℃ but decrease at 30℃ as the same trend as the half time of crystallization t1/2-1 regardless of gamma-ray irradiation. The crystallization rate k of irradiated PESU is lower than that of non-irradiated PESU at the same crystallization temperature. Both non-irradiated and irradiated PESU show a maximum value of the growth rate and non-irradiated PESU being higher than that of irradiated at the same crystallization temperature. On the basis of LH theory, there is one transition between regime III and regime II was found at around 72.5℃ and the activation energy is 2.507 kJ/ mole. With the increasing of gamma-ray dose, the regime transition temperature decreases but activation energy increases. The values of t1/2-1 from DSC were used the same method to determined activation energy. The activation energy also increases with increasing of gamma-ray dose.

Acknowledgement I
摘要 II
Abstract III
Content V
Figure Captions VII
List of Tables XIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Radiation 3
1.3 Motivation 4
Chapter 2 Literature and Theory Review 6
2.1 Literature review 6
2.2 Theory review 9
2.2.1 Avrami equation 9
2.2.2 Lauritzen-Hoffman nucleation theory 12
Chapter 3 Experimental 20
3.1 Materials 20
3.2 Samples Preparation 20
3.3 Gamma-ray irradiation 20
3.4 Instruments 21
3.4.1 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 21
3.4.2 Polarized optical microscope (POM) 22
3.5 Measurement 22
3.5.1 Measurements of glass transition temperature (Tg) and melting temperature (Tm) 22
3.5.2 Crystallization kinetics and melting behavior 23
3.5.3 Spherulitic morphology and measurement of growth rate…. 24
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 28
4.1 Measurement of Tg and Tm 28
4.2 Overall isothermal crystallization kinetics 29
4.3 Multiple melting behavior and equilibrium melting temperature 32
4.4 Spherulitic growth rate and regime analysis 35
Chapter 5 Conclusions 95
Reference 98

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