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論文名稱(外文):Tender Offer and Marketing Strategies Study in Plant Construction of High-tech Manufacturing
外文關鍵詞:decision analysisrisk assessmentbid probability
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高科技建廠工程公司不同於一般營建工程公司,專業人才無法直接由教育體系取得,企業必須花一段較長的時間training on job,並且不斷執行教育訓練,除了計算式理論的傳授,最重要需以實戰案例探討,人才培育的完成,除了基礎的技能外,還須要有能力對問題提出解決方案並創新,終究要符合業主不斷的前進世代製程的需求,面對層出不窮的新環境汙染問題產生,測試、研發跟創新能力,都是不同於一般機電廠商僅致力於採購及專案管理的領域即可。然而因市場的景氣波動過大,市場預測難度高,造成工程公司培養人才不易,留人不易,養兵也困難。

The prosperity of high-tech manufacturing plant construction market is adhering to the footsteps of investment by high-tech manufacturers (Semiconductor and Display) from Science Parks in Taiwan .The display industry is highly sensitive to business cycle , therefore the investment plan must be stopped once the economy is into recession, because of the risk of too large capital investment funds. The client will immediately convene coordination meeting for suspension or even terminate the contract even if the project is about to acceptance stage, what even more, after the completion and acceptance of the construction, vendor is being asked for plan proposal to shutdown plant .In case of market downturn, investment in plant construction must be stopped immediately, because client could not bear the financial pressure from less demand in mass production but still has to pay for plant construction.
Being the center of the high-tech manufacturing, in addition to the initial cost the "clean room" also has a quite high running cost .Once operation, monthly utilities expenditures is expensive . Expenditure for cleanliness protective measures would be required, if the "cleaning room" operation is to be put into suspension , then it would be required to have a costly cleaning work again in order to restore the 'clean room' to its production state when customer orders rushed in . With the variability of the owners' investment plans, it improves the difficulty in business operation of the engineering company of high-tech manufacturing construction.
Unlike general construction engineering, the professional and technical staff of high_tech manufacturing plant construction engineering can’t be directly achieved by the education system . It must go through long period of on job training and ongoing education and training. And most importantly , learning from real case study, in addition to the training of calculation in engineering theory. In terms of personnel training, the basic engineering skills is not enough, the abilities for problem solving and innovation are also required. Different from general mechanical and electrical engineering companies which just focus on procurement and project management, there are also demands in testing, R&;D and creativity to fulfill both the ever evolutional process and the endless environmental pollution protection in the high_tech manufacturing industry. However, the training and keeping of engineering personnel become a hard job due to high fluctuations in business and difficulties in market prediction.
While leading companies continue to merge, and customers are accustomed to contract to the existing engineering company, and then due to the high technical threshold of high-tech plant construction, plus that each customer has his own needs and own system, results in great difficulty in getting trust of new customer. Tender operations need to be cautious to make the bidding strategy and risk assessment. Even if done all the pre-operation to improve the probability of winning bid it would still need to invest substantial human costs, often at the bidding stage. The cognition difference between customer and successful bidder during mutual communication and coordination will result in budget overruns. Under these challenging circumstances, each company has its respective different operating concepts, different management models and different supporting measures. Whether in strategic to integrate vertically or expand horizontally, or even exit the market, there will be more depth discussion in this paper.

目 錄
摘要 I
致謝 IV
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2研究目的 3
1-3研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2-1賽局理論 5
2-2競合理論 7
2-3投標策略 9
第三章 研究方法 13
3-1業務商情管理 13
3-2風險分析 14
3-3得標機率分析 17
第四章 分析研究結果 18
4-1風險管理計畫 18
4-2邀標書審查 25
4-3合約審查 28
第五章 個案公司分析 30
5-1公司現況簡介 30
5-2公司之成立發展過程 32
5-3公司核心競爭力建構 33
5-4公司策略規劃佈局 37

第六章 結論與建議 39
6-1進入新興市場 39
6-2企業再造 40
參考文獻 41
附錄 42
(表4- 1) 專案風險管理項目一覽表 20
(表4- 2) 常用之風險預防與對策一覽表 24
(表4- 3) 邀標書審查表 27
(圖5- 1) 亞翔集團及投資產業 31
(圖5- 2) 亞翔工程股份有限公司組織架構圖 31
(圖5- 3) 亞翔公司的E3工程服務觀念 34
(圖5- 4) 亞翔公司的創新工程服務觀念 35
(圖5- 5) 亞翔公司的全方位整合工程服務觀念 36

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 競合策略 賽局理論的經營智慧 布蘭登柏格 奈勒波夫 著,許恩得 譯,P22~P23、P26、P29、P134~137
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