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論文名稱(外文):Light actuated water droplet motions on ZnO nanorods
指導教授(外文):Wang, Yu Lin
外文關鍵詞:ZnOSuperhydrophobicDroplet manipulation
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在一個開放的系統,通過使用低溫水熱法ZnO納米棒陣列的製備。 ZnO納米棒的形態的籽晶層的厚度和pH值的強烈影響。 ZnO納米棒陣列具有不同的形態和大小進行了研究,通過掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM),和接觸角測量(CAM)。它們的表面潤濕性進行了研究就其表面形貌。 ZnO納米棒與硬脂酸(SA,碳18)反應得到的超疏水性表面。然而,ZnO納米棒的表面成為親水性後通過UV光照射。表面潤濕性的變化將導致接觸角的變化,它可以驅動液滴運動。


ZnO nanorods arrays were prepared in an open system by using a low temperature hydrothermal method. The morphology of the ZnO nanorods is strongly influenced by the thickness of seed layer and pH value. ZnO nanorod arrays with different morphology and size were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and contact angle measurement (CAM). Their surface wettability were studied in relation to their surface morphologies. The superhydrophobic surface was obtained by reacting stearic acid (SA, Carbon 18) with ZnO nanorod. However, the surface of ZnO nanorod became Hydrophilic after being irradiated by UV light. The change of surface wettability will led to contact angle change which can drive droplet movement.

There are two motion that occurred in this process, Pushing motion and Pulling motion. Pulling motion occurred when half of the droplet part were exposured by UV light, the droplet will move towards UV light pattern. Pushing motion occurred when the droplet were exposure by the edge of UV light pattern. The droplet will moving away from UV light pattern. These two motion were affected by two factors: contact angle effect and heating. The manipulation of droplet is achieved by using these two factors.

Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………1
1.1 Motivation……………………………………………………....1
1.2 Background……………………………………………………..2
1.3 Goals……………………………………………………………3
Chapter 2 Literature review……………………………………………4
2.1 Factor that can affect growth of the ZnO nanorods…………….4
2.1.1 Effect of zinc salt concentration………………………….....4
2.1.2 Effect of pH value in the ZnO nanorod……………………..6
2-1.3 Effect of growth temperature in the ZnO nanorod………….8
2-1.4 Effect of Seed layer on the growth of the ZnO nanorod…..10
2-2 Fabrication of superhydrophobic ZnO surface……………….12
2-2.1. Forming surface nanostructure to increase surface roughness
2-2.1-a Effect of UV irradiation………………………………..16
2-2.2 Modifying surface with low surface energy material coatings
2-3 Manipulation droplet movement……………………………20
2-4 Summary of Literature review……………………………...22
Chapter 3 Experiment plan……………………………………………23
3.1 Experiment method……………………………………………23
3.1.1 Research plan………………………………………………24
3-2. Growth of ZnO nanorod array………………………………..25
3-2.1 Preparation for solution based hydrothermal method for ZnO nanorods array growth……………………………..25
3-2.2 Preparation ZnO nanorod array using sputter to grow thin film as seed layer and using hydrothermal method for ZnO array growth…………………………………………….26
3-2.3 Fabrication of superhydrophobic surface on ZnO nanorod..28
3-2.4 Design of droplet movement on the zinc oxide nanorod…..28
Chapter 4 Experiment result………………………………....………….33
4-1 Growth of ZnO nanorod based on hydrothermal method……..33
4-1.1 SEM image of Zinc oxide nanorod grown on the silicon substrate…………………………………………………34
4-1.2 Zinc oxide nanorod Using sputter to grow zinc oxide Thin film or zinc oxide seed layer on the different substrate…37
4-2 Fabrication of superhydrophobic surface on Zinc oxide nanorod result…………………………………………………….43
4-2.1 UV effect to ZnO nanorod…………………………………44
4-3 Droplet manipulation result…………………………………...45
4-3.1 Top approach………………………………………………45
4-3.2 Back approach……………………………………………..45
Chapter 5 Conclusion………………………………………………....51
Chapter 6 References………………………………………………….52

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