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研究生(外文):Bing-Chang, Kuo
論文名稱:基於Histogram of Oriented Gradients之課堂舉手辨識研究
論文名稱(外文):Histogram of Oriented Gradients based Arm Gesture Recognition Research
外文關鍵詞:Gesture recognitionPeople segmentationdynamic k-meansHOG
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在複雜背景人物辨識與分割部分,使用了k-means clustering與motion的結合,將膚色取出來加上motion資訊能夠完整的抓出人物。在舉手判斷的部份,使用了Histogram of Oriented Gradient(HOG)製作出edge的feature進行舉左手、正常狀態、舉右手的辨識。實驗中也交叉比對了不同人物在場景的辨識、光線影響圖片的辨識。其正確率在同一日當model的情況下平均高達91%,而在不同日的情況下也有7-8成的水準。

In recently classroom environment, there are more and more teachers using electronic devices to help them easy to understand what students think and how students act. In all gestures, raising hand is the most popular way that students interacting with teachers. In this research, we provided a raising hand recognition system to help teacher to handle all students’ behavior. We use camera in complex background and monitor multiple people. To propose a system that can satisfy all environments and will not re-train after changing environments, we separate the system into two parts: people segmentation and gesture recognition.

In people segmentation part, we use k-means clustering to extract skin color and then use motion to remove skin-liked background. In gesture recognition part, we use histogram of oriented gradient to get the gesture feature and then use SVM to classify. Finally in experimental part, we test 3 scenes to verify our method. When we use the same case to train and test, the correct rate is average 91%. Even we use different day for training/testing, the correct rate can also reach 80%.
圖目錄 III
表目錄 IV
第一章 簡介 7
1.1 序論 7
1.2 系統目的 10
1.3 研究困難 11
1.4 論文結構 12
第二章 文獻探討 13
2.1 教育研究 13
2.2 人物的分割與多攝影機的校正 14
2.3 人物肢體辨識 14
2.4 過去影像處理技術討論 17
第三章 系統架構與運作流程 21
3.1 人物辨識系統 21
3.2 舉手辨識系統 26
第四章 實驗結果與分析 31
4.1 實驗目的 32
4.2 實驗環境 32
4.3 實驗方法與評分方式 33
4.4 Data sets 34
4.5 實驗結果 36
4.6 分析 39
第五章 結論 43
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