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研究生(外文):Chih-Chun Chen
論文名稱(外文):Age and growth study of the jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) in the northeastern waters off Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Hsueh-Jung Lu
外文關鍵詞:Trachurus japonicusotolithage and growth
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真鰺(Trachurus japonicus)分佈中國東海、日本、韓國及台灣周邊海域,為我國東北海域重要漁獲對象之一。近年來扒網漁業興盛,真鰺漁獲比例及漁獲量有上升的趨勢,但有關其年齡成長研究年代久遠,致漁獲年齡組成之訊息缺乏。本研究採集2010年5月至2011年4月真鰺之耳石作為年齡查定形質,並且加入2005年12月至2007年4月與2009年3月至2012年1月漁獲體長體重資料,探討東北部漁場之漁獲年齡組成,其結果如下:
(一) 真鰺體長(FL)與體重(BW)迴歸關係式雌雄有顯著差異(p<0.05),其關係式各為,雌魚:BW=3.6×10-2×FL2.6771,雄魚:BW=3.2×10-2×FL2.7108。
(二) 本研究以不透明帶作為計算輪紋的標準,不論雌雄輪紋每年在1~2月形成,一年一輪,最高判讀到5歲(FL=32.4 cm),最少0歲(FL=14.3 cm)。根據所得之年齡與相對應體長資料套入von Bertalanffy 成長方程式中雌雄無顯著差異(p>0.05),推估各參數得極限體長為40.4 cm,成長係數為0.223 yr-1。
(三) 台灣東北海域利用真鰺之年齡大多為0歲及1歲,分別為39%與38%,多為未成熟階段,冬季時0歲魚的比例特高,比例約42~77%,夏季0歲魚比例只佔3~10%。

Jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) widely distributed from East China Sea and the coastal waters of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, is an important fishery resource in the northeastern Taiwan. In recent years, rapid developing of Taiwanese seiner fishery, a new fishing gear, the catch and proportion of jack mackerel increased significantly. However, the age and growth parameters for jack mackerel were very old and catch-at-age composition is poorly known. In this study we collected otolith samples from jack mackerel catch (May, 2010 to April, 2011) for age determination. We also included the length and weight data from March, 2009 to January, 2012 to understand catch-at-age of jack mackerel in the northeastern waters off Taiwan. This study has following findings:
1. The relationship between fork length (FL) and body weight (BW) of jack mackerel were significantly different for females and males. The length-weight relationships were BW=3.6×10-2×FL2.6771 for females, and BW=3.2×10-2×FL2.7108 for males.
2. The formations of opaque zones were estimated during January to February and the ring formed once per year. The maximum age observed from the samples was 5 years (FL=32.4 cm) and minimum was 0 year (FL=14.3 cm). The parameters of von Bertalanffy growth function obtained for combined sex was L∞=40.4 cm, k=0.223 yr-1.
3. The major cohorts utilized of jack mackerel in the northeastern waters off Taiwan were 0-age (39%) and 1-age (38%). Most of them were in immature stage. The proportion of catch for 0-age was higher in winter comprising of 42~77%. The proportion of 0-age was low in summer only comprising of 3~10%.
The growth of jack mackerel in the northeastern waters off Taiwan was much slower than those in Japan waters. Further study is needed to clarify its relationship with the two stocks in Japan waters. The age composition indicated that the percentage of immature jack mackerel utilized in northeastern Taiwan were considerably high. Meanwhile, the stock abundance of spotted mackerel has being declined for many years. It is recommended to implement adequate closure measures during spawning period and catch restriction to reduce fishing mortality of young fish, which will be helpful for sustainable utilization of mackerel and carangid fish resources in the northeastern waters off Taiwan.

表目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
Abstract X
壹、前言 1
貳、材料方法 8
一、資料來源與生物實驗 8
(一) 樣本初步處理與外部基礎量測 8
(二) 耳石樣本之處理與觀察 9
二、資料分析與參數計算 11
(一)體長與體重之迴歸關係 11
(二) 體長與耳石長、耳石重之關係 11
(三) 輪紋誤差分析 13
(四) 輪紋形成週期 13
(五) 成長方程式參數之推估 14
參、結果 16
一、體長與體重之關係式 16
二、樣本體長頻度分析 16
三、體長與耳石長、耳石重之關係式 17
四、輪紋判讀分析 18
五、邊緣成長分析及年齡推估 19
六、成長方程式 20
七、漁獲年齡組成 20
肆、討論與結論 22
一、耳石輪紋形成及定齡之探討 22
二、年齡成長參數之分析 25
三、漁獲年齡組成與漁業管理方面之探討 27
四、結論 31
參考文獻 33

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