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論文名稱:高發熱量系統主機與電子構裝 散熱性能分析與設計
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Design on the thermal Performance of a Desktop Computer and electronic Packaging.
指導教授(外文):H.C. Tien
外文關鍵詞:electronic packagingelectronic coolingnumerical simulationexperiment
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由於半導體製程的不斷突破, IC晶片的設計越趨複雜與微型化。球閘陣列構裝(BGA)與覆晶球閘陣列構裝(FC-BGA),因具良好的電氣性及較多的I/O腳數,擁有更快的運算速率,成為電腦晶片的主流構裝技術。隨著運算性能的提升,電子元件的散熱問題也越顯重要。
本研究包含電腦主機的散熱實驗及使用FLOTHERM套裝軟體行數值模擬與晶片構裝體熱分析,發現南橋晶片P-BGA(塑膠球閘陣列構裝體)因固態模封材質為低熱導體,晶片廢熱是藉由基板散熱孔與錫球向下傳導於下方PCB主機板的傳熱特性。吾人於電腦主機中,透過隔板、開孔方式搭配風扇作流路設計,將系統前風扇移至南北橋晶片Heat Sink流道下方,提高流體於流道中的速度,此設計也增強PCB板背面空間流體的速度與流量。南橋晶片的溫度明顯下降12.09℃,北橋晶片FC-BGA溫度下降11.42℃。若於PCB板背面加置與接面完全相同(材質與尺寸)之Heat Sink,則北橋晶片溫度可再下降8.68℃。
吾人也透過吸入式送風散熱的設計,降低氣流撞擊鰭片產生氣流發散作用導致流體速度下降,以CPU Heat Sink Fan取代系統後風扇(Rear Fan),如此可減少風扇使用的數量(由4減為3個),各元件之溫度表現卻與前述之設計幾乎相同,達成節能、低噪音與散熱佳之設計目標。隨著電子元件構裝技術的改變,系統主機的散熱設計應搭配構裝體的熱傳特性。影響散熱性能的原因還包括系統進氣風扇之風向與Heat Sink流道方向是否一致、風扇氣流散熱路徑的距離,鰭片流道入口區是否有元件遮蔽氣流的現象,以上情形皆會影響到氣流的速度,降低Heat Sink散熱性能。

As the semiconductor manufacturing processes advance, the IC chips are getting more sophisticated and miniaturized. Ball grid array (BGA) and Flip Chip BGA (FC-BGA) have become the main-stream IC packaging technology due to better electric conductivity, more I/O pins, and faster computational speed. As such, sufficient cooling of the electronic components is crucial.
This study conducts cooling experiment, numerical simulation, and thermal analysis of the electronic packages of the IC chips in a desktop computer using a commercial code FLOTHERM. It is found that since the ICH chip is in the form of P-BGA (plastic BGA), the thermal conductivity of the package material is low and most heat generated in the chip is transferred through the thermal vias and the solder balls of the substrate down to the PCB. The air flow passage is redesigned by employing the partition and openings, and moving the front fan under the heat sinks of the ICH and MCH chips in order to increase the air speed in the flow passage a well as at the backside of the PCB. Thus the operating temperatures of the ICH and MCH chips drop 12.09℃ and 11.42℃, respectively. Moreover, if one attaches a heat sink in the same size and material as the junction at the backside of the PCB, the MCH temperature can further drop 8.68℃.
We also adopt the concept of the suction fan for heat transport. Otherwise the impingement of the air flow on the fins may occur, the flow might diverge, and air speed might drop down. In addition, the rear fan is replaced by the CPU heat sink fan, and therefore the total number of fans in the computer decreases from 4 to 3. It is found that the operating temperatures of the key components are almost the same as those in the aforementioned design. Consequently, the design goal of lower power consumption, lower noise, and better cooling is achieved.
To accommodate the change of electronic packaging technology, the cooling design in a desktop computer needs to consider the heat transfer characteristics of the IC packages. Other key issues may include: (1) The flow direction of the inlet fan are in parallel with the heat sink fins or not. (2) The distance of the air flow passage is long or short. (3) Does any obstacle exist at the entrance of the fin passage? These factors need to be considered and handled properly for obtaining good performance of the heat sinks in the desktop computers.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
符號說明 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 文獻回顧 4
第二章 熱傳理論及電子構裝 6
2.1 熱傳導、熱對流、熱輻射之原理 6
2.1.1 熱傳導﹙Conduction Heat Transfer﹚ 6
2.1.2 熱對流﹙Convection Heat Transfer﹚ 7
2.1.3 熱輻射﹙Radiation Heat Transfer﹚ 8
2.2 球閘陣列電子構裝BGA(Ball Grid Array) 8
第三章 實驗設備與方法 13
3.1 實驗設備 13
3.1.1 實驗模型 13
3.1.2 溫度量測擷取系統 13
3.1.3 風速計 17
3.2 實驗步驟與結果 18
第四章 數值模擬理論與分析 22
4.1 數值模擬理論 22
4.1.1 FLOTHERM電子散熱模擬軟體簡介 22
4.1.2 數值分析概論 23
4.1.3 統御方程式 24
4.1.4 交錯式網格 25
4.2 數值模擬分析 27
4.2.1 物理模型的建構 27
4.2.2 系統數學分析模式與總體環境屬性設定 29
4.2.3 數值求解的精確性 34
第五章 結果與討論 48
5.1 原始設計散熱初步分析 48
5.1.1 中央處理器﹙CPU﹚與散熱器﹙Heat Sink﹚分析 49
5.1.2 CPU散熱器風扇與系統流路設計之分析 57
5.1.3 南橋晶片(ICH)與北橋晶片(MCH)構裝體散熱分析 68
5.2 電子構裝體散熱特性與溫度表現之影響 80
5.2.1 散熱孔數﹙Thermal Vias﹚影響之探討 80
5.2.2 PCB銅層含量對電子構裝體影響之探討 88
5.2.3 錫球(Solder Ball)對電子構裝體散熱之影響 92
5.3 系統散熱之熱流場分析與改良 99
5.3.1 電子系統的強制氣冷熱設計 100
5.3.2 印刷電路板(PCB)背面安置散熱器與系統散熱效能 108
5.3.3 系統主機散熱性能分析與節能設計之改良 114
第六章 結論與未來展望 120
6.1 結論 120
6.2 未來展望 122
參考文獻 123

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