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研究生(外文):Chien-Liang Chen
論文名稱:基於鎖孔標記語言(kml)之Web GIS的應用-以農業天然災害防治為例
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Web GIS Based on Keyhole Markup Language File:a case study of Agricultural Natural Disaster Prevention
中文關鍵詞:Web GISKML農業天然災害
外文關鍵詞:Web GISKMLAgricultural Natural Disaster
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  資訊科技的飛速發展,通訊技術已在相關產業,如工業、農業上的應用日漸普遍。地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS),是一個具有整合資料以空間方式來呈現的系統。隨著地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)的普及,相關產業已經開始使用地理資訊系統將數據進行分析及決策。
  本論文先探討鎖孔標記語言(Keyhole Markup Language)的文件結構及應用於相關技術的可行性。以實際農業天然災害為例,使用鎖孔標記語言(Keyhole Markup Language)開發相關圖資,結合網頁、手機等現行的資訊設備,達成農業天然災害地理位置速報及災情影像上傳,於網頁呈現分析。也利用鎖孔標記語言(Keyhole Markup Language)的文件檔案的可攜性,將文件檔案依照其檔案內容作分類,方便搜尋與文件檔案的建置。
  本論文的結果可幫助農業天然災害防治在資訊技術及Web GIS的開發,將並了解及規劃資訊設備的使用,讓使用者能了解災害發生區域的範圍,提供防救災及探勘工作人員,預防方法減少災害發生及在真正發生災害時的因應對策。

  With the rapid development of information technology, the application of information communicaton technology, such as in industry, agriculture is getting popular. Geographic information system (Geographic Information System, GIS), is a powerful software that allows a variety of ways to present information in space. As Geographic Information System popularizes relevant industries start to analyze its data and make decisions from GIS.
  To what degree can we apply Geographic Information System in agriculture. For example, Japan actively takes advantage of GIS to establish the database of agricultural geography. Japan is working on field server to collect temperature, humidity, sun exposure, and soil moisture capacity in their crop cultivation areas through this monitoring system. It can help farmers fertilize and deliver drugs on their farms effectively, and lower the cost of production. People in developed countries can apply GIS to establish the limited years of the agricultural drainage pipelines, the database of repair records, and provide immediate disaster information. People combines the ground inspection equipment with satellite telemetry and it can work on the investigation of agricultural damage which now is done by men. Severe due to climate change in recent years, the showers, typhoons, tsunamis and other natural disasters continue to occur in the world, causing agricultural damage to property, countries pay more attention to disaster prevention and rescue work.
  This thesis aims first to discuss the structure of Keyhole Markup Language (KML) and the practicability in applying its relevant techniques. Take actual agricultural natural disasters for example. We can use KML to explore its related map database, and combine the current information equipment, such as web pages, smartphone, to accomplish the quick geographical location reports of agricultural natural disasters, analyze them on web pages, and upload image of disaster. Also use the portable KML document files, file archives classified according to their content, easy to build search and document files.
  The result of this thesis can help to explore the information techniques and Web GIS in agricultural disaster prevention, and understand and plan this information equipment. It also allows users to understand the scope of the disaster area to provide disaster prevention and exploration staff, methods of prevention and disaster reduction in real time for disaster countermeasures.

第一章 緒論(1)
第一節 研究背景(1)
第二節 研究動機及目的(2)
第三節 論文架構(2)
第二章 文獻探討(4)
第一節 地理資訊系統(4)
第二節 ESRI Shapefile(7)
第三節 鎖孔標記語言(8)
第四節 災害防治數據搜集之應用需求(10)
第三章 研究方法與系統設計(14)
第一節 資訊整合平台建置之規劃(14)
第二節 農業天然災害防治資訊網之製作(17)
第三節 使用自由軟體地理資訊系統與網路資源的結合應用(21)
第四節 使用智慧型手機災情填報(25)
第五節 KML 檔案之索引分類(27)
第四章 研究結果(34)
第一節 建立KML檔(34)
第二節 KML檔案疊圖(37)
第三節 KML檔案與SHP檔案比較與搜尋(39)
第五章 結論(40)

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