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研究生(外文):Jung-Nan Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Reversible Database Watermarking Using Difference Expansion and Support Vector Regression
指導教授(外文):Hsien-Chu Wu
外文關鍵詞:Fragile watermarkRelational databaseSupport vector regressionData mining
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In recent years, people usually store the important databases on the server to share the significant information among users. The sharing environment makes the database easy to be modified without authentication. Therefore, applying digital watermarking to verify the correctness of the contents in the database is necessary.
In this thesis, discussion the application of the reversible database watermarking technique and protection for the relational database. The kernel technique is the error prediction method. The protected field is embedded by the watermark information. A predictive model--- support vector regression is used to predict the protected field, and the protection of the contents of the relational database is achieved by fragile watermarking with the using of the difference between predicted value and the protected value.
The first method, a reversible fragile database watermarking technology is proposed by applying Support Vector Regression (SVR) to the relational database. SVR predicts the protected field by projecting the data fields onto the Multi-dimensional space to find regression plane. Moreover, FP-tree data mining is utilized to improve the accuracy of the prediction of support vector regression. Therefore, FP-tree data mining finds the associative fields in the database for the protected field. Watermark embedding is performed by difference expansion.
The second proposed method to improve method of first. Due to the DE technology of first method needs compute with the difference value between prediction value of SVR and original protected field. However, the embedding watermark value can be affected the DE of difference value in original protected field. Afterward, the predicted filed and original protected field has larger variation.
This thesis proposed the Continuous Region Overlap Difference Expansion (CRODE) technology to solve this problem, and the proposed method divided two steps. Firstly, create the relational watermark by comparing the protected value and the predicted value, secondly transform the protected value converted into binary, and the watermarking would be embedded orderly first from MSB region. The protected field and predicted value has the similarly value with the MSB region. Therefore, the original protected field region is not change after embedding watermarked. The proposed method of Continuous Region Overlap Difference Expansion to embed the watermarked that protected field can solve the value variation and increase the accuracy of the protected field.

Abstract in Chinese.................................... I
Abstract in English.................................... III
List of Tables..........................................IX
List of Figures........................................ X
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................1
1.1 Background......................................1
1.2 Database Watermarking...........................2
1.3 Thesis Organization.............................4
Chapter 2 Preliminaries..........................5
2.1 Difference Expansion Technique......................5
2.2 Support Vector Regression...........................7
Chapter 3 Reversible Fragile Database Watermarking Technology using Difference Expansion Based on SVR Prediction..............................................10
3.1 The Proposed Scheme.................................11
3.1.1 FP-tree Feature Mining............................13
3.1.2 SVR Training Algorithm............................15
3.1.3 Database Watermark Embedding......................15
3.1.4 Database Watermark Extractions....................16
3.2 Experimental Results................................18
Chapter 4 Region-Associated Integer Transform for Reversible Database Watermarking Technology ............21
4.1 SVR Training........................................22
4.2 The Database Watermark Generation...................23
4.3 Database Watermark Embedding........................24
4.4 SVR Training and Database Watermark Extractions.....26
4. 5 Comparing Watermark with Suspected Watermark.......27
4.6 Experimental Results................................29
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works..........33

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