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研究生(外文):Wei-Han Chen
論文名稱(外文):On the Electro-optical Properties of Metallo-supramolecular Polyelectrolytes (MEPEs) Containing Copper(I) and Their Electrochromic Applications
指導教授(外文):Ko-Chuan Ho
外文關鍵詞:metallo-supramolecular materialsMEPE-Cu(I)metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT)cyclic-voltammetry (CV) pretreatmentultra-fast response time
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In this thesis, a new field in electrochromic materials combining inorganic metal ions with organic ligands, which is called metallo-supramolecular materials, is introduced and discussed. The metallo-supramolecular polyelectrolytes (MEPEs) containing copper(I) metal ion, MEPE-Cu(I), is first synthesized and applied in electrochromism. To investigate different roles in electrochromic device, polyaniline-carbon nanotube (PANI-CNT) and poly(3,3-diethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-thieno-[3,4-b][1,4]dioxepine) (PProDOT-Et2) are chosen with MEPE-Cu(I) for device fabrications.

We choose 4’-4’’’’-(1,4-phenylene) bis (2,2’:6’,2’’-terpyridine) as the ligand and copper(I) acetate as metal ion center to synthesize the MEPE-Cu(I). Due to metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) and redox reaction of Cu(I)/Cu(II), the color could be change by applying potential to influence the interaction between Cu(I) and terpyridine ligands and becomes as a new cathodic coloration material. All the MEPE-Cu(I) thin films are prepared by drop-coating with a concentration of 1 mg/mL. By varying the volume per drop, four different thicknesses of MEPE-Cu(I) films (MEPE-Cu(I) 100 μL to 400 μL) are prepared and compared. And the limitation of thickness for MEPE-Cu(I) have been found. The cyclic-voltammetry (CV) pretreatment between 0.0 V and 1.5 V (vs. Ag/Ag+) for 100 cycles is applied for preparation of MEPE-Cu(I) thin film, which enhance the optical performance and reduce resistance of thin film in electrochemical reaction to reach stability of the film. It is also proved by SEM image for surface morphology and EQCM for mass change. MEPE-Cu(I) has transmittance change of above 20%, less 1s of response time and the coloration efficiency of around 260 cm2/C. With ultra-fast response time and higher coloration efficiency, MEPE-Cu(I) could be chosen to apply for electrochromic applications.

Two electrochromic devices based on MEPE-Cu(I) with TBAP/ACN as electrolyte have been fabricated. In MEPE-Cu(I)/PANI-CNT ECD system, PANI-CNT as an anodic coloration material is selected as an ionic storage layer with higher charge capacity, which provide better ability of electron transfer for MEPE-Cu(I) and enhance the electrochromic properties. The transmittance change at 580 nm is similar to MEPE-Cu(I) thin film. However, the response time could be shortened to less than 0.5 s. In the long-term stability experiment, the device could be operated for 1500 cycles and maintains above 99% of original performance.

Besides, in MEPE-Cu(I)/PProDOT-Et2 ECD, PProDOT-Et2 is selected as the main electrochromic layer to fabricated with MEPE-Cu(I) because of relatively smaller transmittance change. MEPE-Cu(I) could also act as an ionic storage layer and assist the electron transfer of PProDOT-Et2, which provides higher transmittance above 35%, fast response time of less than 1 s. In spite of larger operating potential window of 3.5 V, the device could be operated for 1000 cycles with only 6.3% of decay. Both these two devices prove that MEPE-Cu(I) could be a stable electrochromic material and worth applying for other applications.

誌謝 i
中文摘要 iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Introduction to electrochromism 1
1-2 Electrochromic materials 6
1-3 Electrochromic devices 8
1-3-1 Solution-type 10
1-3-2 Hybrid-type 10
1-3-3 Thin-film type 11
Chapter 2 Review and Research Motivation 13
2-1 Introduction to Metallo-supramolecular system 13
2-1-1 The category of metallo-supramolecular materials 14
2-1-2 The ligands 15
2-1-3 Conjugated conducting polymer with terpyridine side chain 16
2-1-4 Coordination polymer systems 20
2-2 Metallo-supramolecular polyelectrolytes (MEPEs) 23
2-3 Introduction to PANI-CNT 26
2-3-1 Polyaniline (PANI) 26
2-3-2 Polyaniline-carbon nanotube (PANI-CNT) 30
2-4 Introduction to PProDOT-Et2 31
2-5 Motivation and research objectives 35
Chapter 3 Experimental 37
3-1 Instruments 37
3-2 Materials and reagents 38
3-3 Experimental methods 39
3-3-1 Synthesis of MEPE-Cu(I) 39
3-3-2 Preparation of conducting glasses 40
3-3-3 Preparations of electrochromic films 40
3-3-4 Fabrication of ECD 41
3-4 Measurements and analysis 42
3-4-1 Electrochemical analysis 42
3-4-2 Optical properties analysis 44
3-4-3 Electronic quartz crysital microbalance (EQCM) analysis 47
Chapter 4 Characterization of Materials 49
4-1 MEPE-Cu(I) analysis 49
4-1-1 Synthesis of MEPE-Cu(I) 49
4-1-2 Electrochemical properties 53
4-1-3 Surface morphology 60
4-1-4 EQCM analysis 66
4-1-5 Step response 76
4-1-6 Coloration efficiency 78
4-1-7 Operation of different potential windows 81
4-2 PANI-CNT analysis 85
4-2-1 Electrochemical properties 85
4-2-2 Optical properties 89
4-3 PProDOT-Et2 analysis 92
4-3-1 Electrochemical analysis 92
4-3-2 Optical analysis 97
Chapter 5 Characterization of Electrochromic Devices 101
5-1 MEPE-Cu(I)/PANI-CNT ECDs 101
5-1-1 Selection of suitable operation window 101
5-1-2 The electrochemical behavior of MEPE-Cu(I)/PANI-CNT ECD 110
5-1-3 Step Response 113
5-1-4 Effect of charge capacity ratio 116
5-1-5 Design equation for complementary device 121
5-1-6 Performances on long-term stability 124
5-2 MEPE-Cu(I)/PProDOT-Et2 ECD 126
5-2-1 Cyclic Voltammetry 126
5-2-2 UV-Visible spectroscopy 131
5-2-3 Step Response 133
5-2-4 Effect of charge capacity ratio 138
5-2-5 Performances on long-term stability 142
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Suggestions 144
6-1 Conclusions 144
6-1-1 The performances of MEPE-Cu(I) 144
6-1-2 The performances of the MEPE-Cu(I)/PANI-CNT ECD 145
6-1-3 The performances of the MEPE-Cu(I)/PProDOT-Et2 ECD 145
6-2 Suggestions 147
Chapter 7 References 148
Appendix A 159
A-1 Reaction charge capacity 159
A-2 XPS data 165
Appendix B Profile of Author 167

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