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研究生(外文):CHIH-KANG LU
論文名稱(外文):Pump-Down Curve Simulation and Software Development for Vacuum Systems
中文關鍵詞:抽氣真空腔體Extended Temkin 等溫線釋氣模擬
外文關鍵詞:Pump-downVacuum chamberExtended Temkin isothermOutgassingSimulation
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This paper presents a method to simulate pressure versus time pump down curve for vacuum chambers. Related basic theories, including gas laws, conductance for several kinds of flow regimes, equivalent length for pipes, outgassing, diffusion, and permeation etc., are used to simulate the pump-down curve. The simulation program consists of a MFC module and a MATLAB module. The MFC module is used to input necessary parameters, including start and target pressure for desired simulation pressure range, volume and inner surface area of vacuum chambers, configuration of pumping lines, performance of vacuum pumps, and gas loads. The MATLAB module deals with the pump-down curve calculation based on related theories. The governing equation of the conservation of mass in a pumped vacuum chamber is derived from extended Temkin isotherm. After equivalent length for pipes are calculated and the simulation pressure range is separated into several segments by Knudsen’s number and Reynolds’ number, the pump-down curve of each segment is simulated by three steps, including calculating the conductance of pipes for corresponding gas flow regimes, the effective pumping speed of vacuum pumps and finally pump-down time. The simulated results are compared with the experiment of two different vacuum systems and the results simulated by the commercial software, VacTran. The developed program can simulate the pump-down curve with good accuracy in the range from low vacuum pressure to high vacuum pressure.

口試委員會審定書 I
Acknowledgement II
摘要 III
Table of Contents V
List of Figure VIII
List of Tables XV
List of Symbol XVI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Paper review 1
1.2 Reach motivation and purpose 8
1.3 Outline 9
Chapter 2 Theories for pump-down curve simulation 11
2.1 Conductance of long round tube 11
2.2 The concept of equivalent lengths 16
2.3 Permeation process 18
2.4 Hydrogen outgassing 21
2.5 Model of simulating pump-down curve 22
2.6 Pump-down curve simulation by VacTran 26
Chapter 3 Procedure of pump-down curve simulation 29
3.1 Procedure of simulation and program structure 29
3.1.1 Calculating the equivalent length of pipes 31
3.1.2 Calculating the critical pressure of gas flow regime 33
3.1.3 Calculating the conductance of pipes 35
3.1.4 Calculating the effective pumping speed 39
3.1.5 Calculating pump down curve 40
3.2 Introduction of MFC module for parameters input 41
Chapter 4 Pump-down experiment 46
4.1 EUV system 46
4.1.1 Specification 46
4.1.2 Experiment results 53
4.2 E-Beam system 55
4.2.1 Specification 56
4.2.2 Experiment results 61
Chapter 5 Simulation and comparison 66
5.1 EUV system 66
5.1.1 Simulation by this paper 66
5.1.2 Simulation by VacTran 74
5.1.3 Comparison 77
5.2 E-Beam system 81
5.2.1 Simulation by this paper 82
5.2.2 Simulation by VacTran 90
5.2.3 Comparison 93
Chapter 6 Conclusions and suggestions 102
6.1 Conclusions 102
6.2 Suggestions 103
References 105
Appendix A The VacTran setting for EUV system 110
Appendix B The MFC setting for EUV system 123
Appendix C The MATLAB module 133
作者簡歷 136

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