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研究生(外文):Wei-Liang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Influences of multi-scale co-rotational descriptions on modeling the effective viscosity of electrorheological liquids
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Fu Huang
外文關鍵詞:Bingham plastic fluidnegative electrorheological phenomenapostive electrorheological phenomenaQuincke electrorotationcontinuum anti-symmetric /couple stresseffective viscosity
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基於懸浮在黏性流體中之懸浮微粒群其Quincke電旋轉運動所引發之負電流變現象為現今電流變學領域之一新興研究主題。自1980年代開始,Cebers與Lemaire等團隊即積極研究並建立基於單尺度單一顆懸浮微粒Quincke電旋轉動力分析對巨觀有效黏性影響之理論。此套理論雖廣為學界所接受,但近年以流變儀量測所得之實驗結果和Cebers與Lemaire之理論預測有所分歧。為此,Huang 與Huang et al.由連體力學中反對稱/矩應力之原理出發,引入多尺度共旋座標之描述方法以及連體角動量黏性擴散之損耗等觀點探討分析與模擬Quincke 電旋轉運動所引發的負電流變現象,其結果除推翻主流理論外,更大幅提升了理論預測的準確性。但,多尺度共旋座標之描述方法或是連體角動量黏性擴散之損耗何者對Quincke負電流變現象之準確預測影響較多仍尚不明朗,且角動量黏性擴散損耗之引入在學界中仍存有諸多爭議。

The negative electrorheological (ER) phenomena induced by insulating dielectric solid micro-particle Quincke electrorotation suspended within a dielectric viscous liquid has become an emerging field of scientific research in recent years. In order to predict and describe the macroscopic hydrodynamics and electrorheological characteristics of this negative ER phenomena, Cebers and Lemaire et al. developed an electrorheological effective viscosity theory, which is based on a single-scale micro-particle electrorotational dynamics analysis. On the other hand, Huang and Huang et al. introduced a multi-scale co-rotational description for ER fluid polarization and emphasized the mechanism of angular momentum viscous diffusion loss (spin viscosity) under a continuum anti-symmetric/couple stress framework leading to a more accurate theoretical prediction on the negative ER characteristics as compared to the single-scale micro-particle electrorotational dynamics analysis. In this thesis, while neglecting angular momentum viscous diffusion loss (or couple stress), we combine the advantages of the previous two theories to study the influences of multi-scale co-rotational descriptions on improving the theoretical modeling of the Quincke rotation induced negative ER flow characteristics of particle-liquid suspensions.
On the other hand, the experimental observations of Klingenberg and Zukoski show that positive ER flow characteristics of the particle-liquid suspension in Couette flow geometries has Bingham plastic-like properties. As a further varification of the multi-scale co-rotational description, we next study the postive ER flow characteristics using both single-scale micro-particle electrorotational dynamics analysis, and multi-scale co-rotational description, with the electrical and viscometric properties given in Klingenberg and Zukoski. The investigations also emphasize on how the influences of multi-scale co-rotational descriptions improve the theoretical modeling of the rotation induced postive ER flow characteristics for particle-liquid suspensions.
Results show that as compared to the single-scale micro-particle electrorotational dynamics analysis, there is no significant improvement on the accuracy caused by introducing the co-rotational multi-scale descriptions in modeling and analyzing the rheological characteristics for both negative and positive ER phenomena in spite of the significant differences in the two sets of results. In other words, in order to improve the accuracy of the theoretical modeling and simulation of the ER effects induced by internal micro-particle rotation, we not only need to pay attention to the details of the co-rotational multi-scale descriptions of the fluid flow, but also need to consider the possible angular momentum viscous diffusion loss (or couple stress) that may exist in the ER flow field.

第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………...1
第二章 單一尺度微粒電旋轉動力分析與巨觀有效黏性……………...5
2.2 旋轉微粒受外加均勻直流電場作用時之電位、電場、與偶極矩.7
2.3 旋轉動力分析………………………………………………….....8
2.4 正與負電流變條件下微粒電力旋轉之轉速分析.......................11
2.10 C&L團隊單一微粒尺度動力分析理論之完善性….................44
第三章 利用多尺度共旋座標概念計算巨觀電流變特性.....................45
3.2 「龍捲風」模型,多尺度共旋座標與旋轉咖啡杯之佐證…….47
3.3 提出修正…………………………………………………….......47
3.4 引入多尺度共旋概念修正後之電流變現象分析.......................49
3.4-1 引入多尺度共旋概念修正後之負電流變衰減極化…….50
3.4-2 引入多尺度共旋概念修正後之正電流變衰減極化…….54
第四章 引入多尺度共旋概念的電流變液巨觀黏性………………….59
第五章 結果討論與比較……………………………………………….73
5.1 負電流變現象…………………………………………………...73
5.1-1 衰減極化………………………………………………….73
5.1-2 巨觀有效應力…………………………………………….80
5.1-3 有效黏性………………………………………………….84
5.2 正電流變現象…………………………………………………...88
5.2-1 衰減極化………………………………………………….88
第六章 結論與未來展望.......................................................................103

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