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研究生(外文):Zhu-wei Chu
論文名稱(外文):The Analysis of Residential and Commercial Energy-saving in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Fa-Lin Chen
外文關鍵詞:energy savingBATEnergy StarEnergy-saving Strategy
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本研究分四階段進行,第一階段為調查目前電力使用情形,根據台灣電力公司公開資料及非製造業能源查核網路填報資料進行比對。第二階段為制訂研究範圍與調查相關文獻探討。第三階段為調查國內外之節能技術,並以BAT (Best available technology)方法討論,設備分為照明、空調及動力(電梯、馬達)等探討。第四階段為根據前三項所蒐集之資料進行評估分析,並對未來提出建議方案。

Rapid economic growth and technology progress bring not only convenience but prosperity into human life; however, great consumption of energy resources and serious devastation of natural environment also come after. To ensure the competitiveness of future industry, this research investigates the annual electricity consumption of residential and commercial services, and estimates the greatest amount of energy-saving, and then gives suggestions to future plans
This research was conducted in four phase. First, to investigate current power usage, we compared the public information and Energy audit of non-manufacturing data provided by Taiwan Power Company. Second, we set up the scope of this research and did literature review. And then, this research uses BAT (Best available technology) method to survey national energy-related equipment, included lighting equipment, air conditioning and power (elevators, motors and others). In the final phase, this research analyzes the data achieved in the first three phases, and makes recommendations for future plans and recommendations.
After investigating and evaluating, this research has discovered that using general energy-saving appliances, the largest energy-saving ratio of the residential services was 19.77%, energy-saving amounted to 8.5 billion kWh. On the other hands, using U.S. Energy Star energy-saving appliances, and LED for lighting, the maximum energy saving is 40.76%, energy saving amounted to 17.7 billion kWh.

In the case of commercial services, we used energy-saving bulbs and T5 lamp to replace the lighting, and other equipments were calculated as ordinary equipments in the market. The results show that the energy-saving ratio is 21.62%, and the energy-saving amounted to 7.2 billion kWh.
Services part, lighting use the energy saving bulbs and T5 lamp replace existing lighting and other equipment use market equipment.Calculation results energy saving ratio of 38.98%, energy-saving amounted to 1.34billion kWh.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3研究方法 6
1.4文獻回顧 10
1.4.1空調熱負荷 12
1.4.2照明負載 12
1.4.3外觀節能 13
1.4.4用電現況調查 13
第二章 住宅 14
2.1 住宅現況統計 14
2.2 住宅耗能項目 18
2.2.1螢光燈管 21
2.2.2空調技術 21
2.2.3電視機 22
2.2.4洗衣機 22
2.3住宅節能項目技術內容 25
2.4住宅節能潛力分析 27
2.4.4住宅節能方案A 27
2.4.2美國能源之星方案 29
第三章 商辦服務業 32
3.1商辦服務業現況 32
3.2商辦服務業耗能統計 35
3.2.1批發零售業 35
3.2.2教育服務業 56
3.2.3醫院類 59
3.2.4飯店、旅館 68
3.2.5綜合辦公大樓 75
3.2.6通信業者 78
3.2.7運輸倉儲業 81
3.2.8娛樂服務業 83
3.3商辦節能項目技術內容 87
3.3.1空調節能技術 87
3.3.2照明技術 88
3.3.3冷凍冷藏技術 89
3.3.4 電梯設備 89

3.4商辦節能潛力分析 90
3.4.1商辦方按A 91
3.4.2商辦方案B 92
3.4.3商辦方案C 93
第四章 結果與討論 95
4.1 結論 95
4.2 未來展望 97
參考文獻 98

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