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研究生(外文):Yi-Lin Liao
論文名稱(外文):Appling FPGA to Implement Real-Time Infrared Tracking of Moving Objects
指導教授(外文):Jen-Yu Shieh
外文關鍵詞:FPGAMedian FilterBackground SubtractionImage LabelingObject Tracking
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大多數監控系統多以PC作為平台,不僅效率低且佔據空間。本論文以Altera Cyclone II FPGA DE2-70為系統核心,紅外線攝影機透過ADV7180類比轉數位,ITU-R 656解碼電路,影像透過SDRAM當作資料緩衝並同時進行交錯式掃描,再經由許多模組進行影像演算法運算,接著把YCbCr訊號轉換為RGB色彩空間,最後將處理後的結果顯示於LCD上。系統皆以Verilog硬體電路完成,所以能快速地運算演算法,達到即時物件追蹤的功能。

Unlike optical image analysis characteristics, various applications can be developed for infrared monitoring systems. Because infrared images are characterized by poor quality, low contrast, and few feature points, median filters are employed to recover and reconstruct images to improve the quality of infrared images. Based on the theory of order statistics, median filters are an easy-calculating and fast non-linear signal processing technology that can denoise signals effectively. After pre-processing, the reference background images are established and saved on SDRAM. We then retrieve the sequence images and the reference background images to conduct background subtraction to calculate image differences. Following background subtraction, changes in light sources and the speed of moving objects can cause noise and object appears shattered. Thus, we use morphological closing operation to mend shattered, incomplete segments and morphological opening operation to remove unnecessary noises and small segments. To realize moving object tracking, we employ image labeling to segment various moving objects and the barycentric method to calculate the barycentric and boundary coordinates. Finally, the moving objects were retrieved.

Most monitoring systems are PC platform based and have the disadvantages of low efficiency and space-occupation. The system core of this study was an Altera Cyclone II FPGA DE2-70. Using the ADV7180 analog-to-digital conversion and the ITU-R 656 decoding circuit, interlaced scans were conducted on the images using SDRAM as the data buffer and numerous modules to calculate video algorithms. YCbCr signals were then converted to RGB color spaces. Finally, the processed results were displayed on an LCD. The system was completed by the Verilog hardware circuit that enables the rapid application of algorithms on images, thereby realizing real-time recognition.

中文摘要 ...............i
英文摘要 ...............ii
誌謝 ...............iii
目錄 ...............iv
表目錄 ...............vi
圖目錄 ...............vii

第一章 緒 論...............1
1.1 研究動機與目的...............1
1.2 文獻探討...............1
1.2.1 中值濾波器...............1
1.2.2 移動物件追蹤...............2
1.3 論文架構...............7
第二章 系統架構...............8
2.1 FPGA(DE2_70)...............8
2.2 紅外線攝影機...............9
2.3 LTM(LCD Touch Panel Module)...............10
2.4 紅外線攝影機解碼原理...............14
2.5 數位訊號流程...............17
2.5.1 I2C配置...............17
2.5.2 ITU-R656解碼...............17
2.5.3 YCbCr...............17
2.5.4 數位訊號處理...............18
2.5.5 垂直消隱間隔...............20
2.6 鎖相迴路...............20
2.7 SDRAM基本原理...............21
2.7.1 基本介紹...............21
2.7.2 SDRAM接腳...............21
2.7.3 SDRAM Command...............22
2.7.4 SDRAM Controller結構...............23
第三章 影像相關技術...............26
3.1 雜訊模型...............26
3.1.1 高斯雜訊(Gaussian Noise)...............26
3.1.2 雷利雜訊(Rayleigh Noise)...............27
3.1.3 指數雜訊(Exponential Noise)...............28
3.1.4 均勻雜訊(Uniform Noise)...............28
3.1.5 脈衝雜訊(Impulse Noise)...............29
3.2 雜訊去除演算法...............30
3.2.1 算術平均濾波器...............30
3.2.2 幾何平均濾波器...............30
3.2.3 調和平均濾波器...............30
3.2.4 反向調和平均濾波器...............30
3.2.5 中值濾波器...............31
3.2.6 最大和最小濾波器...............32
3.2.7 中點濾波器...............32
3.2.8 Alpha微調平均濾波器...............32
3.2.9 自適性中值濾波器...............33
3.3 形態學處理...............34
3.3.1 侵蝕(Erosion)...............34
3.3.2 膨脹(Dilation)...............34
3.3.3 斷開(Opening)和閉合(Closing)...............35
第四章 研究方法...............37
4.1 中值濾波演算法...............37
4.1.1 電路架構與設計...............37
4.1.2 門檻值比較法...............39
4.2 背景相減法...............40
4.3 二值化...............42
4.4 形態學之電路設計...............43
4.5 影像標籤化...............45
4.6 物件追蹤偵測...............47
4.6.1 預測以知物件移動後的位置...............48
4.6.2 移動後與移動前之物件比對...............52
4.6.3 追蹤與更新決策...............53
4.6.4 搜尋其他新物件及背景更新...............54
4.7 重心法...............54
4.8 色彩空間轉換...............54
4.9 有限狀態機設計架構...............55
4.10 電路設計之管線處理...............56
第五章 實驗結果...............60
第六章 結論...............62
參考文獻 ...............63

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