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研究生(外文):Han-Jun Wu
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of PFM Buck Converter for Portable Device
外文關鍵詞:DC/DC buck converterPFMMATLABHSPICE
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本文直流轉直流降壓轉換器電路採用限電流式脈波頻率調變的控制技術實現,並以金氧半場效電晶體取代整流二極體,可有效的減小功率消耗和增加積體化。目前可攜式產品的供應電壓為3.3V或5V,而微處理器的操作電壓為1V,本文設計的規格為輸入電壓為5V、輸出電壓為1V、電感值為10μH及電容值為47μF,在負載電流為200mA時,輸出漣波電壓為15.5mV,轉換效率為77%。此電路在設計上使用台積電的0.35μm 2P4M 5V CMOS製程進行設計。

This thesis proposed a DC/DC buck converter, which can be used in the portable electronic system, such as: CPU, micro processor and digital signal processor. The main circuit is composed of Bandgap, Hysteresis comparator, current sensing circuit, off-time controller generator, error amplifier, digital logic control circuit and zero current detector.
The current limit PFM controller has been used in this thesis, and the diode has been replaced by MOSFET, that can decrease the power consumption efficiently. Portable supply voltage is 3.3V or 5V.The microprocessor''s operating voltage is 1V. It’s input and output voltage is 5v and 1v, inductance is 10μH and capacitance is 47μF. When the load current is 200mA, the output ripple voltage is 15.5mV and power efficiency is 77%. This buck converter is designed by using TSMC 2P4M 0.35μm 5V CMOS technology.
The stability of the portable electronic system could be affected by the output ripple voltage. The author designed an algorithm to analyze and predict the output ripple voltage, which can be performed by MATLAB. After the comparison with the simulation result of HSPICE, the error rate is less than 6.5%, when the load current is 10mA.

第一章 緒論................1
1.1 背景簡介................1
1.2 研究動機................5
1.3 論文架構................8
第二章 DC/DC降壓轉換器之架構與操作原理................9
2.1 DC/DC降壓式轉換器介紹................9
2.2 降壓轉換器導通模式................10
2.2.1 連續導通模式................11
2.2.2 不連續導通模式................12
第三章 PFM降壓轉換電路架構分析與模擬................20
3.1 能隙參考電路................21
3.1.1 負溫度係數的電壓................22
3.1.2 正溫度係數的電壓................22
3.1.3 零溫度係數的電壓................24
3.2 誤差放大器................31
3.3 遲滯比較器................34
3.4 關閉時間控制電路................37
3.5 電流感測電路................40
3.6 零電流偵測器................44
3.7 RS閂鎖電路................46
第四章 PFM降壓轉換器系統模擬................51
4.1 PFM降壓轉換器之輸出漣波電壓分析................52
4.2 完整系統模擬................56
4.2.1 電感電流比較................56
4.2.2 負載電流為200mA模擬圖................58
4.2.3 負載電流為100mA模擬圖................61
4.2.4 負載電流為50mA模擬圖................62
4.2.5 負載電流為20mA模擬圖................64
4.2.6 負載電流為10mA模擬圖................66
4.3 電路實體佈局圖................70
第五章 結論................71
Extended Abstract................74

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