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研究生(外文):Shu-Fei Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Rebalance of Portfolios and their Performances – A Case Study of the Taiwan 50 Index Constituents
指導教授(外文):Philip Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan 50 Index ConstituentsForecast of returnForecast of RiskPrediction of Correlation coefficientPortfolio Performanc
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In this study, we use the data of the Taiwan 50 Constituents to discuss the relationship between the rebalance of portfolios and their performances. We use the equally weighted portfolios as well as the portfolios. Through the fixed window estimation, which returns, variances and/or correlations are predicted by the AR, GARCH and Exponential Smoothing models, respectively. The optimal portfolios would be built by solving the maximum problESM of the Sharpe ratio and minimum portfolios risk. We also set sveral combinations of rebalancing point of the portfolio, described as follows:
(1)Rebalancing at regular intervals of time, in weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annualy.
(2)Balancing based on waiting until the risk of portfolio grows to some threshold that triggers action. (5%、10%、15%)
(3)Balancing based on waiting until the values of portfolio reduce to some threshold that triggers action. (-5%、-10%、-15%)
The data used in this study are the daily data of the Taiwan 50 Constituents and spans from January 2001 to December 2010. Our result shows that under consideration of transaction cost, the portfolio, which is constructed by the AR model and quarterly rebalanced, has the best performance. Furthermore, it also outperforms the same type of stock index funds and the market.

第一章 緒論.........................................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的..................................................1
1.2 研究設計........................................................5
1.3 研究流程........................................................7
1.4 研究架構........................................................9
第二章 文獻探討.....................................................10
2.1 台灣50指數......................................................10
2.2 濾嘴法則........................................................11
2.3 效率前緣與夏普比率..............................................13
2.4 AR模型..........................................................17
2.5 GARCH模型.......................................................18
2.6 指數平華模型....................................................21
第三章 研究方法.....................................................22
3.1 資料來源........................................................22
3.1.1 研究期間......................................................23
3.2 持股調整方式....................................................25
3.3 濾嘴法則下投資組合風險與價值波動門檻設置........................29
3.4 研究設計與模型..................................................31
3.4.1 夏普比率......................................................31
3.4.2 共變異數矩陣..................................................32
3.4.3 規劃求解......................................................37
3.5 報酬率計算......................................................37
第四章 實證分析.....................................................41
4.1 不同投資組合資產配置績效........................................41
4.1.1 以時間為基礎重新調整投資組合的方式............................41
4.1.2 以濾嘴法則為基礎重新調整投資組合的方式........................42
4.2 考量風險後不同投資組合資產配置績效..............................44
4.2.1 考量風險後以時間為基礎重新調整投資組合的方式..................44
4.2.2 考量風險後以濾嘴法則為基礎重新調整投資組合的方式..............46
4.3 同類型基金與大盤之績效..........................................51
4.4 統計檢定........................................................52
第五章 結論與建議...................................................54
5.1 結論............................................................54
5.2 建議............................................................55

表3.5.1 舉例說明報酬率計算方式......................................39
表4.1.1.1 投資組合在各種調整頻率下的幾何平均年化報酬率..............42
表4.1.2.1 投資組合在各種調整機制下的幾何平均年化報酬率..............43
表4.2.1.1 投資組合在各種調整頻率下的年化標準差......................45
表4.2.1.2 投資組合在調整後的報酬率..................................45
表4.2.2.2 投資組合在調整後的報酬率..................................47
表4.2.2.3 彙整120種投資組合在調整風險後的報酬率.....................49
表4.3.1 同類型基金與大盤之績效表現..................................51
表4.4.1 投資組合績效1至5名與同類型基金及加權股價指數之檢定..........52

圖1.3.1 研究流程圖..................................................8
圖2.3.1 投資組合效率前緣............................................14
圖2.3.2 夏普比率最大化下最適的投資組合配置..........................17
圖3.1.1 台灣50指數相關資訊與本研究樣本取樣的時間軸..................23
圖3.2.1 成分股權重進行調整的方式與時間..............................27
圖3.2.2 不等權重方式的成分股配置....................................28
圖3.3.1 風險控制....................................................29
圖3.3.2 投資組合價值波動設置........................................30

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