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研究生(外文):Bo Cheng Ko
論文名稱(外文):Effect of incinerated oyster shell、garlic、 resistant starch and oat powder on the quality of emulsified meat ball
指導教授(外文):Lin Hwei-Shen
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Chien-ChengFu,An-hung
外文關鍵詞:Resistant starchOatGarlicIncinerated oyster shell powder
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本研究分為兩部分,第一部分為取代組,是以Hi-maize 260抗性澱粉( Resistant starch ; RS )與市售燕麥粉( Oat powder;OT )之不同比例(2%、4%、6%)取代乳化肉丸中之豬背脂,第二部分為添加組,是以不同比例之市售大蒜粉(garlic powder ; G : 0.5%、1.0%、1.5%)與灰化牡蠣殼粉(Oyster shell powder ; OY : 0.5、1.0%)添加於乳化肉丸中,談討其對乳化肉丸之品質、感官特性、機能性及其營養價值之影響。
對照組是以75:25之原料肉與豬背脂比而成 ( C25 ) ,取代組方面結果顯示,以燕麥粉與抗性澱粉取代脂肪,基本成份分析顯示,取代後之組別,於熱量方面下降之現象,以OT6有顯著(p<0.05 )低於對照組,品質試驗中,添加燕麥粉與抗性澱粉後保水性有顯著(p<0.05)高於對照組,烹煮損失率顯著(p<0.05)下降,而pH值隨之添加量顯著(p<0.05)上升,另外,隨著取代量上升,硬度、膠著性、咀嚼性隨有顯著性(p<0.05 )的提高,但內聚性因燕麥粉取代呈現顯著性(p<0.05)下降,於儲存試驗中,4ºC冷藏14天冷藏試驗中,儲藏期間之pH值隨之上升,大多介於pH 6.4 ~ pH 6.7。TBARS與總生菌數測定,取代組與對照組無顯著(p<0.05)差異。而經-20ºC凍藏45天的凍藏試驗中色澤方面,L* 值以添加6% 之燕麥粉與抗性澱粉 (OT6; RS6) 經15天冷凍之後有較顯著性之增加(p<0.05 ), 但a* 與 b* 值於儲藏期間無顯著(p>0.05)性之變化。而各處理組於質地剖面分析中,以RS4(4% Resistant starch)與RS6組之內聚力有較明顯隨著儲存天數而降低,總生菌數試驗中,取代組方面,則以OT4與RS6較其他取代組低,但皆與對照組無顯著(p>0.05)性差異。
添加組方面,以大蒜粉與灰化牡蠣殼粉添加品,品質試驗中,大蒜粉添加於各項品質試驗中與對照組無顯著性差異,而灰化牡蠣殼之添加,有提升保水性亦有助於烹煮損失率之降低。經4ºC冷藏14天,大蒜粉級灰化牡蠣殼粉添加組TBARS值顯著性(p<0.05)的增加數率減緩。微生物方面,以大蒜粉添加組與OY1.0( 1.0 % Oyster shell powder)顯著低於對照組,儲存至第14天始有生菌數之檢出。凍藏試驗中,總生菌數試驗,除G1.0( 1.0% Garlic powder)組外各組均於第15天有生菌數之檢出,分別以G1.0與OY1.0為最低,其中G1.0組於第45天始有生菌數的檢出,總生菌數結果顯示,除冷凍因素外,大蒜粉與一定份量之灰化牡蠣殼粉添加下,有抑菌之功能,達到延長儲存期之效果。官能品評方面,各組與對照組於硬度皆無顯著性差異(p>0.05 ),但大蒜添加組,於色澤與風味有明顯高於對照組,而整體接受度更以大蒜粉添加組與RS2(2% Resistant starch)之分數與較為對照組相近。

This study was divided two parts, the first study is added different ratio (2%, 4%, 6%) of Hi-maize 260 resistant starch (RS) and oat powder (OT) substituting the pork backfat for the emulsified meatball. The second study is added different ratio garlic powder ( G ; 0.5%,1.0%,1.5%) and incinerated oyster shell powder ( OY ; 0.5,1.0%) to the emulsified meatball. Meat composition of both parts’ study for control group(C25) is 75 lean to 25% pork fat. The purpose of this study is to compare the previous treatments and control group (conventional meat ball) on the quality, sensory characteristics, functional and nutritional value. The results of two studies are shown as follow.
I. Substituting fat study: The result of calories concerns was shown that the OT group was significant lower (p<0.05) than control group. All added OT and RS groups was indicated significant higher (p<0.05) water binding than C25 group. Significant decreasing of increasing of pH value (p<0.05) were found with added substituting amount. In addition, the texture quality of hardness, gumminess, chewiness were also shown significant increasing with substituting amount. However, the cohesiveness was significant decreasing (p<0.05) for the oat powder group. The pH value of shown between 6.4~6.7 is found increasing during the 4 ºC storage up to 14 days. No significant different of TBARS and total microbial count were found among all treatments with C25 group. At 15 days of -20 ºC frozen storage, the group of OT6 and RS6 were shown significant increasing (p<0.05) on L* value but no significant (p>0.05) on a* and b* value compared C25 group. The cohesiveness of texture was found significant reducing with time. Regarding to the total microbial count, the group of OT4 and RS6 were lower than all other substituting groups, but all of them were no significant (p>0.05) difference with C25 group.
II. Extra addition of garlic and incinerated oyster shell powder.
There are no significant difference (p>0.05) between all garlic and C25 group on the quality tracts. However, the OY group was revealed improving the quality of meat ball resulted from higher water binding and lower cooking loss. At 14 days of 4ºC chilled storage, both groups of garlic and OY were shown significant lower TBARS value (p<0.05). In the meantime, all garlic and OY 1% groups were found that the total microbial count was significant decreasing (p<0.05) than C25 group. At 45 days of -20ºC frozen storage, all treatments were shown the total bacterial count between 2.11 and 5.36. The number is far below the CNS and CAS standard of the chilled and frozen processed meat product. All treatments were also reveals no significant difference at hardness, but garlic did show significant higher color and flavor evaluation than C25 group. Overall acceptance was higher for garlic and RS 2% groups but no significant difference with C25 group. The result was indicated that garlic and OY1% function were not only on taste and quality, but also prolong the shelf life.


壹、 前言...............................................................1
貳、 文獻探討............................................................4
參、 材料與方法
肆、 結果與討論.........................................................41
一、 添加燕麥粉與抗性澱粉取代脂肪乳化肉丸之豬背脂............................43
甲、 品質特性影響探討.................................................43
乙、 冷藏其間品質變化之探討............................................48
丙、 冷凍其間品質變化之探討............................................59
二、 添加灰化牡蠣殼粉與大蒜粉對乳化肉丸之影響................................69
甲、 品質特性影響探討.................................................69
乙、 冷藏其間品質變化之探討............................................75
丙、 冷凍其間品質變化之探討............................................86
伍、 結論..............................................................94
陸、 參考文獻...........................................................96
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