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研究生(外文):Li, Wen-Yun
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Creating Shared Value Strategy in the Telecommunications Industry
指導教授(外文):Yan, Min-Ren
口試委員(外文):Yang, Ho-BingHsueh, Sung-Lin
外文關鍵詞:Corporate social responsibilityCreating shared valueBusiness modelSystems thinkingGreen economyTelecommunications industry
  • 被引用被引用:8
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自亞當史密斯國富論出版以來,主張資本主義的企業家創造財富但也衍生社會貧富差距、勞工人權、能源環保等議題。企業逐漸重新省思其定位,不只以追求股東最大利潤為唯一的責任和目標愈來愈多的企業採用企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)策略來提升企業的經營視野與形象。基於競爭優勢與社會利益不衝突的觀點,企業在推動CSR時採創造共享價值(Creating Shared Value, CSV)之策略,可促成企業和社會形成共生關係,藉着運用企業資源和能力造福社會並達到公司成長和發展之目標。
關鍵字: 企業社會責任 創造共享價值 系統思考 電信產業

The dramatic changes of global climate, industrial and technological innovations, and social needs have launched a review on the solely profit-oriented business practices and their side effects on the global society and economic systems. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become one of the emerging topics among the areas of business, management, and social science. Conventional business models have long focused on the developments to fulfill the economic needs. However, recent studies have consistently suggested that societal needs can define the modern markets and social harms can create internal costs for firms. For corporates and organizations, socially responsible business models are very demanding for enhancing their sustainable competitive advantages and can be rapidly spread over many industries highly associated with the society such as the telecommunications industry. Telecommunications systems can be considered as a core in this world's operations. Complex networks, telephones, mobile phones and internet-linked PCs are bundled together to serve nearly all of us. Over the past decade, rapid deregulation and innovation have made the telecommunications industry to deeper association with the society. In many countries around the world, even government monopolies are now privatized and they face a relatively open competition. Strategic thinking and innovative business models are indeed required for better practices.
In this paper, we propose a strategic thinking and comprehensive systems analysis of socially responsible business models in the telecommunications industry. Systems thinking methodology and causal loop diagram are applied to the causal loops analysis of three different business paradigms: (1) the conventional business models, (2) CSR anchored business models, and (3) the socially responsible business models with shared values. The systems thinking modeling can improve our understanding on the features of socially responsible business models in the telecommunications industry and, most importantly, the strategies for business improvements and the challenges to be cautious with future business and market competition.
Keywords:Corporate social responsibility, creating shared value, business model, systems thinking, green economy, telecommunications industry

中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
誌謝辭 vi
內容目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 5
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 企業社會責任 7
第二節 創造共享價值 24
第三節 電信業介紹和發展 30
第四節 系統思考介紹 36
第三章 研究方法 39
第一節 研究設計 39
第二節 建模程序 40
第三節 研究模型架構 43
第四章 實證分析與結果 59
第一節 問卷設計 59
第二節 問卷調查結果與分析 60
第五章 結論與建議 72
第一節 研究結論 72
第二節 後續研究建議 73


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