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研究生(外文):Ya-chien Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Flowing Identity in Michael Cunningham's Novel and David Hare's Screenplay The Hours
指導教授(外文):Whitney C. Dilley
外文關鍵詞:The HoursMrs. DallowayGilles Deleuzebecomingidentity
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The context of Michael Cunningham's The Hours (1998), Stephen Daldry's film adaption The Hours (2002) and its screenplay by David Hare illustrate the characters'contemplation on life and death within a condition of becoming toward future. The aim of this thesis is to traverse one's time and memory in the Deleuzian sense and to elaborate the theme of three women's fluid identity which is vacillating between the past and the present using Gillies Deleuze's post-structuralist approach in the realm of philosophical and postmodern thought,involving with ideas from feminist studies.
Haunted by Virginia Woolf's novel Mrs. Dalloway (1925), three female characters in The Hours are loosely connected to each other in different time and space. Starting from Virginia Woolf's wandering thinking toward her life and her novel, the fixed image of Mrs. Dalloway and Woolf's nomadic thought gradually provides multiple life potentiality within three women's lives. Under a strong feeling of displacement, three women desperately want to free themselves from gloomy daily life. Owing to the flux of fluid self, they struggle between life and death, freewill and responsibility, fragmentary memory and recollection infusing with emotion. Through this dynamic flow of consciousness, three women in The Hours revive and redefine themselves out of the unbounded desire and nature within a process of becoming.
As a consequence, the dynamics of becoming induces a renewed sense in three women's ordinary life. The application of Deleuze's notion of becoming would correspond to main characters’variable decision of choosing life or death. Furthermore, Deleuze's insistence on becoming-woman is possible for solving the complex problem of character's flowing condition of gender identity between heterosexuality and homosexuality. Besides, encompassing Deleuze's theoretical concept of memory and time as a background, we would perceive that a creative sense of everyday life lies in the resurrection of the three involuntary hostesses.
Abstract in Chinese……………………………………………………………iv
Abstract in English……………………………………………………………v
Chapter One: A Single Day Extends into Eternity………………………22
I. The Transcendental Love and Youth………………………………23
II. The Everlasting Trauma ……………………………………………28
III. The Beginning of Plunging into Mrs. Dalloway's World
Chapter Two: The Surfacing of A Second Self……………………………39
I. The Identity of Returning to A Girl……………………………40
II. The Identity of Androgynous Housewives………………………48
Chapter Three: The Metamorphosis of Mrs. Dalloway……………………54
I. The Personification and Anti-personification of Mrs. Dalloway
II. The Transsexual Identity of A Modern Mrs. Dalloway
Works Cited…………………………………………………………………………79
Primary Sources
Cunningham, Michael. The Hours. London, New York, Toronto and Sydney: Harper Perennial, 2006. Print.
Hare, David. The Hours: A Screenplay. New York: Miramax Books, 2002. Print.
The Hours. Screenplay by David Hare. Dir. Stephen Daldry. Perf. Meryl Streep. Julianne Moore, and Nicole Kidman. Miramax International and Paramax Pictures, 2002. Film.

Secondary Sources
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