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研究生(外文):Yang yu chi
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of TiO2 nanopillar - arrays on flexible substrates
指導教授(外文):Cheng hsyi en
外文關鍵詞:Anodic aluminum oxideTiO2flexibleAtomic Layer Deposition
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本研究利用陽極氧化鋁(Anodic Aluminum oxide,AAO)模板之高深寬比之孔洞輔助原子層沉積法(Atomic Layer Deposition,ALD) 在300℃沉積溫度下,以TiCl4和H2O為反應前驅物,成長二氧化鈦(TiO2)奈米柱陣列。別於一般使用易碎又厚重的玻璃作為電極基材,本研究使用可撓曲、輕便且不易碎的高分子材料-PET作為基底,以紫外光固化樹脂(UV膠)作為接著劑與PET基板貼合,製作可撓式奈米柱陣列電極。
研究結果顯示,以AAO模板輔助原子層沉積法可成功製備TiO2奈米柱,而奈米柱直徑與長度則由AAO模板所決定,孔洞大小與長短約100~200 nm以及1~7μm。以ALD法在300℃所成長的TiO2薄膜皆為銳鈦礦(Anatase)相。塑膠基板COC與PET穿透率分別為90%、80%,而UV膠成功地讓塑膠基板與奈米柱結構緊密結合製作出可撓式電極。亞甲基藍(Methylene Blue,MB)分解不會因基板不同而有所影響而是取決於TiO2結構,TiO2奈米柱結構可提升分解效率。
In this study, titanium dioxide (TiO2) were grown on anodic aluminum oxide ( AAO ) templates by atomic layer deposition (ALD) at 300 °C with TiCl4 and H2O reactants. Because glass substrate is weight and breakable, we used polymer substrate which is flexible, lightweight and unbreakable. We used PET and COC substrate to replace glass substrate and used UV curable resin (UV adhesive) as adhesive between the TiO2 nanopillar film and polymer substrate .
The morphology of TiO2 nanopillar-arrays was characterized by using SEM and XRD; and the transmittance of polymer materials was measured by UV-Visible spectrometer. According to the morphologies of TiO2 nanopillar-arrays, the length and the diameter of nanopillar were around 1~7μm and 100~200 nm, respectively.
The crystal structure of TiO2 films and nanopillar grown at 300℃ was Anatase . Transmittance of COC and PET were 90% and 80% respectively, and the UV adhesive closely integrated the plastic substrate and TiO2 nanopillar film to form a flexible electrode. Methylene blue decomposition efficiency didn’t affected by the used plastic substrate, but it was improved by nanopillar structure. However, the improvement wasn’t significant.
This study have accomplished the flexible nanopillar electrodes. They can be used for the devices those need high aspect ratio surface area.
目 錄

第一章 前言................................................................................................................1
第二章 理論及文獻回顧............................................................................................6
2-1 陽極氧化鋁簡介.....................................................................................6
2-3 ALD基礎理論......................................................................................20
2-4 ALD TiO2文獻回顧.............................................................................23
2-5 氧化銦錫透明導電膜...........................................................................25
2-6 高分子材料...........................................................................27
第三章 實驗步驟......................................................................................................31
3-1 實驗流程…….......................................................................................31
3-2 基板準備...............................................................................................33
3-3 陽極氧化處理.............................................................................35
3-4 ALD TiO2沉積.............................................................................38
3-5 ITO濺鍍.............................................................................42
3-6 塑膠基板黏合.......................................................................................46
3-7 去除Al與AAO層................................................................................49
3-8 薄膜特性分析.......................................................................................50
3-9 光觸媒特性量測...................................................................................52
第四章 結果與討論..................................................................................................54
4-1 陽極氧化鋁模板製備...........................................................................54
4-2 ITO薄膜................................................................................................66
4-3 TiO2奈米柱陣列之型態.......................................................................67
4-4 塑膠基板黏合......................................................................................75
4-5 光觸媒特性..........................................................................................77

第五章 結論..............................................................................................................79
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