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研究生(外文):De-Cih Tian
論文名稱(外文):Nickel Nanopillar Electrodes prepared by Electroplating in AAO Templates for Water Electrolysis
指導教授(外文):Hsyi-En Cheng
外文關鍵詞:AAONickel NanopillarElectrolysis Electrode
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為了提升電解水效率,本研究使用磷酸與草酸兩種電解液製作具高比表面積的鎳奈米柱結構做為電解水製氫電極。實驗藉由控制觀察陽極氧化電流製備無阻障層的陽極氧化鋁模板(Anodic Aluminum Oxide, AAO),再利用胺基磺酸鎳電鍍液以定電流成長鎳於AAO孔洞中,移除AAO後便可獲得具有高比表面積的鎳奈米柱陣列結構製氫電極。

磷酸電解液製作AAO模板速率為13.3 nm/min,草酸電解液製作AAO模板速率為133.3 nm/min,草酸溶液成長AAO速率為磷酸溶液之十倍,可減短AAO製程時間。但因磷酸電解液製AAO成長速率較緩慢,易控管電流製作出無阻障層AAO模板進而製作出大面積鎳奈米柱。草酸溶液成長AAO速率快,側向底切亦快,使AAO模板易掀離導電層,製作出大面積鎳奈米柱之良率低。

以場發式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM)觀察鎳奈米柱,磷酸AAO所製鎳柱直徑大且間距大,鎳柱互相獨立;草酸AAO所製鎳柱直徑小且間距小,鎳柱會有團聚現象。XRD分析電鍍而成之鎳只有鎳結晶相。經由光學吸收光譜儀量(UV-VIS)與FE-SEM驗證出樣品顏色越黑,鎳奈米柱越密集。使用恆電位儀量測鎳奈米柱陣列電解水製氫所需的操作電壓與電流,結果顯示製氫時鎳柱結構操作電壓比平面結構下降0.1 V,電流密度為平面結構的2倍。使用多晶矽太陽能電池作為電解水電能,鎳柱結構之操作電壓比平面結構小,鎳柱結構電流密度為平面結構之2倍。
In order to enhance the efficiency of hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), nickel nanopillar-array electrodes with high specific surface area were prepared. Phosphoric acid and oxalic acid were used as electrolytes to fabricate barrier-free anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates via controlling the anodic current, and then sulfamate nickel plating bath was used to grow nickel in the AAO pores by a constant current mode. After removing the AAO template, we obtained nickel nanopillar arrays with high specific surface area.
The growth rates of AAO films in phosphoric acid and in oxalic acid were 13.3 and 133.3 nm/min, respectively. Although the growth rate of AAO in oxalic acid is ten times higher than that in phosphoric acid, the low growth rate of AAO in phosphoric acid made it easier to control the barrier thickness at the bottom of AAO template and thus easier to fabricate large-area nickel nanopillar arrays. In contrast, the fast growth rate of AAO in oxalic acid caused a fast lateral undercut etch which let AAO template easier to peel off.
Field-emission scan electron microscope (FE-SEM) was used to observe the surface and cross section of nickel nanopillar arrays. The result showed that the nickel nanopillars grown in phosphate-acid AAO had a large diameter and each pillar stood alone after removing the template, whereas the nickel nanopillars grown in oxalic-acid AAO had a small diameter and were clustered together. XRD analysis showed that the nickel film was crystalline. Using potentiostat to measure the threshold voltage and current density of nickel nanopillar-array electrodes for HER, the result showed that the nanopillar structure reduced the threshold voltage of HER by 0.1 V, and increase 100 % current density. Using polycrystalline silicon solar cell to generate power for HER, the nickel nanopillar electrodes had smaller operating voltage than the plane structure one, and the current density was also increased by one hundred percent.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x

第一章 前言 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2 氫能與未來展望 2
1-3研究目的 3
第二章 理論基礎與文獻回顧 4
2-1水電解製氫 4
2-1-1法拉第電解定律 4
2-1-2水電解製氫原理 4
2-1-3電解電壓 6
2-1-4極化現象與歐姆電位 6
2-1-5 電解液 8
2-1-6降低操作電壓的因素 9
2-2陽極氧化鋁(Anodic Aluminum Oxide,AAO) 10
2-2-1陽極氧化鋁歷史回顧與機制 10
2-2-2電解液對陽極氧化鋁成長之影響 14
2-3電化學沈積鎳奈米柱相關研究 16
2-3-1 電鍍原理 16
2-3-2 電鍍液 17
第三章 實驗方法 18
3-1實驗流程 18
3-2試片準備 19
3-3製備陽極氧化鋁模板試片 21
3-4製作鎳奈米柱 23
3-5薄膜量測與分析 26
3-6 電解水製氫 28
3-6-1 線性掃描伏安法 28
3-6-2 太陽能模擬器 29
第四章 結果與討論 30
4-1製程參數對陽極氧化鋁模板之影響 30
4-1-1陽極氧化時間對AAO形態之影響 30
4-1-2鋁之膜厚對AAO形態之影響 35
4-1-3 電解液對AAO形態之影響 37
4-2 鎳奈米柱陣列之製備與分析 41
4-2-1 電鍍之電壓變化與奈米柱成長之關聯 41
4-2-2 鎳奈米柱型態分析 42
4-2-3 鎳柱結構之光學反射率與奈米柱密度之關聯 43
4-2-4 鎳柱陣列晶體分析 46
4-3 鎳奈米柱應用於電解水製氫電極 47
4-3-1 鎳柱結構之起始電位與電流密度 47
4-3-2 太陽能電解水製氫 51
第五章 結論 54
參考文獻 55
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