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研究生(外文):Min-Hsiu Ma
論文名稱(外文):A Grid-based Geocasting Scheme with Network Coding in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
指導教授(外文):Tz-Heng Hsu
外文關鍵詞:GeocastingMobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET)Network codingbroadcast storm
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在行動隨意網路中,地域性廣播(Geocast)利用地理資訊將資料封包傳送到特定地理區域中的節點[1]。在轉送過程中,當轉送區域內有大量節點時,會增加傳送封包時碰撞的機率,遺失率也相對提高。本篇論文提出Grid-base-Location-Aided (GLA)與Greedy-Grid-base-Location-Aided (GGLA)方法來改善此問題,GLA方法主要將地域性廣播轉送區域分成數個網格,每個網格只能擁有一個主要節點(gateway)負責轉送的工作,來減少傳送次數,GGLA方法則是加入貪婪路由機制,來減少更多不必要的傳送,以改善在無線網路環境中轉送區域內密集節點傳輸所造成的訊號碰撞與封包遺失的問題。當地域性廣播區域中的節點接收到資料封包後,直接將封包廣播出去,會造成地域性廣播區域中大量的廣播封包,易產生廣播風暴的問題[2]。透過網路編碼將二個以上的封包做編碼的動作後廣播出去,可以減少地域性廣播區域內封包的傳送次數並結合GLA與GGLA方法,來提升整體網路效能。
In MANET, geocasting utilizes geographic information to deliver data packets to nodes within a specific geographical area. During packet forwarding, the probability of signal collision and packet loss are increased when a large number of nodes are within the forwarding zone. In this paper, we propose Grid-base-Location-Aided (GLA) and Greedy-Grid-base-Location-Aided (GGLA) algorithms to solve the problem. GLA partitions the geocast forwarding zone into several 2D logical grids; a node is elected as a gateway in each grid, where the gateway is responsible for forwarding data packets to the geocast region. By using the gateway approach, GLA can reduce the required number of packet forwarding. GGLA introduces a greedy routing mechanism to GLA for reducing the probability of packet loss with high-density nodes in the forwarding zone. When a node is received a date packet in the geocast region, it floods the data packet in the geocast region, which may cause the broadcast storm problem. By using the network coding mechanism, two or more packets can be encoded and then broadcast, which can decrease the required number of packets for loss recovery. In this thesis, GLA and GGLA are further integrated with a network coding mechanism to improve the efficiency of packet transmission in the geocast region.
摘 要 I
致謝 III
目 次 IV
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第一章 簡介 1
第二章 相關研究 4
2.1 地域性廣播相關文獻 4
2.1.1 LAR與LBM技術介紹 4
2.1.2 Voronoi技術介紹 6
2.1.3 Mesh技術介紹 6
2.1.4 Grid技術介紹 8
2.2 網路編碼介紹 9
第三章 論文演算法 13
3.3 結合網路編碼機制的地域性廣播 29
第四章 模擬數據 33
第五章 結論 41
參考文獻 42
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