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論文名稱(外文):Establishing Employability Map to Explore the Employability of Students and Curriculum Planning
外文關鍵詞:Employability Map SystemRadar ChartARCS Model
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就業力指標系統 (E-Map) 為一輔助學生在修課時的「指標性」系統,首先將學校每個單向度的課程切割成十大就業能力指標,並建構學業成就雷達圖來顯示學生從入學開始到修業完畢,每一個階段的變化,經過多元評估與自我檢視以修正選課方向,讓學生在過程中強化個人特質,進一步提升就業競爭力。
Due to the influence of global information technology and a variety of economic effects, many companies have invested a lot of money and technology to response to this impact. The relative human resources are required for significant reduction. It results in the popularization of higher education, and unemployment is climbing phenomenon. The problems of students' future employment have also become the focus of concern. As today's social conditions, the ordinary results of students in school can not represent the only criteria for corporate levy. They attach great importance to job seekers' "qualities" and "attitudes". Therefore, when the students during the study period, they should not only bring up a good attitude, but also pay attention to the development of professional knowledge, and to prepare the required capabilities for entering the workplace in the future.
Employability Map System (E-Map) is an "index" system to assist students to select courses. The first, dividing the single-dimensional courses in school into the ten employability index, and then constructing the radar chart to represent the change of every stage for students from admission to their official completion. After the multi-evaluation and self-review to correct the elective direction, students strengthen their personal qualities in this process, and to further enhance the employability and competitiveness.
This study introduced an E-Map to explore the correlation between employability indicators and course weight, and then used an ARCS model to describe the influence of the E-Map on student learning intention to establish further research steps. Quantitative analysis was used through statistical data and a student self-evaluation scale, which was used to test student employability orientations in order to evaluate whether the employability planning of the courses was appropriate. Finally, feedback was collected from corporate employers to evaluate the employability of the graduates.
Integrated the above findings, we provide a reference standard of curriculum planning to the departments and institutes of, and make recommendations for the schools to make decisions. It expects to guide the students to find the self-positioning in learning, to establish the right attitudes, to develop their capability to adapt to the current employment market conditions, and to improve the opportunity to find suitable duties.
摘  要 I
誌  謝 IV
目  次 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 就業力概觀 7
2.1.1. 就業力之發展 7
2.1.2. 就業力之構面 8
2.1.3. 就業力之影響與相關應用 9
2.2 課程規劃概念 12
2.2.1. 課程之定義與發展 12
2.2.2.課程就業力規劃之相關理論 13
2.3 雷達圖結構 15
2.4 ARCS動機模式 16
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1 E-MAP結構 20
3.1.1. E-Map建置流程 20
3.1.2. 課程就業力規劃 22
3.1.3. 系統功能介面 27
3.2 研究設計 30
3.2.1. E-Map學習動機(ARCS)評量 30
3.2.2. 研究架構 31
3.2.3. 分析原理 32
第四章 研究結果與討論 35
4.1 研究對象 35
4.2 問卷信度分析 35
4.3 研究結果與分析 37
4.3.1. 學生層面 37
4.3.2. 系所層面 41
4.3.3. 雇主層面 43
4.3.4. 綜合探討 46
第五章 結論與未來展望 48
5.1 結論 48
5.2 未來展望 50
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