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研究生(外文):huang shiou shian
論文名稱(外文):The Control Strategy and Modeling StudyThe Control Strategy and Modeling Study of Photovoltaic Power System
指導教授(外文):shiu jen ting
外文關鍵詞:Stand-along PVGSInverterDouble-loop SPWM controlBattery
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At present, while most countries all over the world are developing green and renewable energy, photovoltaic generation systems(PVGS) are paid more attention to it’s various applications. With price reduction of PV modules and development of PV technology, various types of PVGS are gradually changed from supplemental energy to substitute energy. This paper deals with important issues in the PVGS such as PV cells, DC/DC Booster converter, DC/AC inverter, output filter and battery. The DC/DC Booster converter is designed with maximum power point tracker(MPPT) by adopting the perturb and observe method. Furthermore the inverter adopts direct current control method of perform the double-loops SPWM control for determining the voltage and current angles with power grid. By the way, a smart changer controller is also designed to regulate the voltage and current of the battery. The model of a single-phase grid connected PVGS is built in the Matlab Simulink Program. Many various operating scenarios are simulated and compared with a PV power micro-grid system to verify the accuracy of the proposed control strategy and mode.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目次 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2光伏發電系統發展狀況 2
1.2.1國內光伏發電的發展現況 2
1.2.2國外光伏發電的發展現況 4
1.3本文內容概述 5
第二章 光伏系統設計與原理 7
2.1光伏電池 8
2.2最大功率追蹤 12
2.3光伏變頻器模擬模組原理 19
2.4 蓄電池的特點和種類 21
2.4.1 蓄電池種類及特性 22
2.4.2 蓄電池的主要特性參數 23
2.4.3 蓄電池模組[15]~[17] 25
第三章 併網型光伏變頻器設計與模型建置 30
3.1狀態空間平均法 30
3.2 直流升壓電路建模 33
3.3併網系統間的能量變換 39
3.3.1 併網變頻器分析 39
3.3.2 併網變頻器濾波電路設計分析 46
3.3.3 鎖相迴路設計 49
3.4 單相光伏系統模擬模組 51
第四章 光伏系統運轉的研究 53
4.1光伏微電網系統 53
4.1.1 太陽能陣列 54
4.1.2 太陽能變頻器 55
4.1.3 電源管理控制器 56
4.1.4 蓄電池與充電負載控制器 56
4.1.5氣象站 57
4.1.6監控系統 59
4.2光伏系統測量數據 60
4.3建立光伏發電系統模型 67
4.4光伏發電系統模擬結果分析 72
第五章 結論與未來方向 78
5.1結論 78
5.2未來方向 78
參考文獻 80
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