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研究生(外文):Wei-Da Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Road Monitor Integrated Service System Combined the Cloud Technology with Smart Mobile Devices
指導教授(外文):Her-Tyan Yeh
外文關鍵詞:Cloud Computing TechnologySmart Mobile DevicesGlobal Positioning SystemElectronic Toll Collection System
  • 被引用被引用:2
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  Recently, with the development of cloud computing technology, information technology has been given a variety of insights and space for further development. Also, the convenience of smart mobile devices has been improved by the innovative technology and has relatively gained popularity. The smart mobile devices with Global Positioning System (GPS) have a trend to substitute for traditional satellite navigation system and this facilitate the application and desire of wireless network and life technology. The purpose of the study is to investigate the integration of mart mobile devices and electronic toll collection system. The highway toll collection system has been replaced by the Electronic Toll Collection system (ETC) designed by the Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection Co. However, the using rate of ETC failed to reach the standards ruled by law. The possible influencing factors of low using rate of ETC may be limited driving speed, pre-paid fees, inconvenience of telematics devices and so on. Therefore, this study, with the integration of cloud computing system, smart mobile devices, system service bureau, and information flow server, constructed an integrated system including ETC, law enforcement supervision service, and positioning navigation supervision service.
  In this study, the system allowed users to choose two ways of payment: pre-payment and monthly payment. Using the application software of smart mobile devices, the system recorded using mileage, time, initial and ending place by GPS and cloud computing server. After computing, the data were saved in the information flow server. All data were collected and sent to service bureau. Then, the service bureau sent monthly payment information to the users. The users are allowed to make record inspections in Directorate General of Highway, if they doubt about the payment. In addition, this system monitor area car flow and car speed by using GPS and inform local service centers
目 次
摘 要 iv
Abstract v
誌 謝 vi
目 次 vii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景與動機 4
1.3 研究目的 8
1.4 研究架構 8
1.5 章節介紹 10
第二章 文獻探討 11
2.1 雲端科技 11
2.1.1 雲端運算服務模式 13 軟體即服務 13 平台即服務 14 設備即服務 14
2.1.2 雲端運算部屬模式 14 公共雲 15 社區雲 15 私有雲 15 混合雲 16
2.1.3 雲端科技的運用 16
2.2 智慧型行動裝置 16
2.3 國內外各電子收費系統比較 17
2.3.1 台灣電子收費系統ETC 19 系統技術 19 付費機制 19
2.3.2 美國電子收費系統E-Z Pass 19 系統技術 20 付費機制 20
2.3.3 日本電子收費系統ETC 20 系統技術 20 付費機制 21
2.3.4 澳洲電子收費系統墨爾本MCL計畫 21 系統技術 21 付費機制 21
2.3.5 德國電子收費系統Toll Collect 22 系統技術 22 付費機制 22
2.4 地理訊息系統 22
2.5 全球衛星定位系統建構現況 23
2.5.1 美國衛星定位系統GPS 24
2.5.2 俄羅斯衛星定位系統GLONASS 25
2.5.3 歐盟衛星定位系統GPS 25
2.5.4 中國衛星定位系統北斗衛星導航系統 25
2.5.5 其它開發中衛星定位系統 25
2.6 相關研究 26
第三章 結合雲端科技與智慧型行動裝置之道路監理整合服務系統 30
3.1 道路監理整合服務系統 30
3.2 整合電子收費系統 33
3.3 整合GPS-GIS系統 35
第四章 系統成效分析 39
4.1 系統分析 39
4.1.1 智慧型行動裝置的應用 39
4.1.2 雲端科技的結合 40
4.1.3 道路監理服務的整合 40
4.1.4 系統成效 41
4.2 系統比較 42
第五章 結論與建議 46
5.1 結論 46
5.2 建議 47
5.3 研究限制 48
參考文獻 49
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