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研究生(外文):Su Ying-Ju
論文名稱(外文):Understanding why they stop-A case study on the student departure of the continuing and extension education in STU
指導教授(外文):Lin Yin-Hsing
外文關鍵詞:Extension education sectionDropoutDropout factors
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綜觀國內學者及相關論文研究多針對進修部學生在學滿意度亦或是休學因素,然而本研究將針對教育部於2009年所提供的休學數據,將進修部學生的背景與教育部所提出的休學因素做相關分析,同時針對學生對於校內課程的安排是否滿意與學生流失的預測力做探討。研究採用問卷調查法,樣本以100學年南台科技大學進修部學生為研究對象,問卷發出305份,所得資料以SPSS 17.0 英文版進行描述統計、t檢定、spearman相關分析等統計方法分析。
(1) 本研究中,不同背景的進修部學生對在學狀況的滿意度具有可預測休學因素的可能性。
(2) 本研究顯示財務需求與年齡和性別具有顯著性的差異。年齡低於21歲的學生認為他們的學費和生活費來源很不穩定。
(3) 本研究顯示進修部學生與角色衝突具有顯著性的差異。
(4) 與教育部於2009年針對進修部學生休學狀況進行比對,本研究發現不同背景於休學因素沒有顯著性差異,然而針對單題分析,接近50%的進修部學生不滿意校內所開設的課程。因此本研究可以推測課程的設計會影響學生的休學因素。
The Continuing Education Program has been run in Taiwan since 1991. This program provides an opportunity for adult learners to keep studying and enhance their abilities. Reasons for employees returning school are that they expected to have a raise in their wages or to be promoted to a higher position; hence, they are greatly different from daytime students in terms of learning attitude or personal background. In 2002, the Ministry of Education (MOE) started to aim at Continuing Education students and do a dropout survey based on the three factors: grades, courses, and others. In 2009, the MOE added other four specific factors to investigate the reasons and causes of suspension and dropout: health problem, financial needs, jobs, and pregnancy.
Most studies related to college students focus on their learning motivation and satisfaction, while others concentrate on the factual information and data related to student departure. In contrast, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between students’ background and the dropout factors against the results from the MOE. This study drew from a survey on the learning satisfaction of 305 college students from the Continuing Education Program in Southern Taiwan University. With a quantitative approach to the survey results, this study had the following findings: (1) the relationship between personal backgrounds and the factors of leaning condition are predictable to the possibility of dropout; (2) there is significant correlation between financial need and age/ gender; (3) role conflict is significant to Continuing Education Program students and could be predictive of students dropout; and (4) students were far less satisfied with the courses that the school offers, which was reflected by nearly 50% of the participants , predictive of great dropout possibility, and far exceeded the statistics which the MOE offered in 2009.
Overview 1
Background of the Study 1
Reasons for suspension. 2
Continued reduction on the overall number of students 4
Motivation 5
Purpose of the Study 5
Significance of the Study 7
Research Questions 7
Definition of Terms 8
Overview 10
School/Division of Continuing and Extension Education 10
The Definition of Adult Education 11
Tinto’s Internationalist Theory 17
Factors of Suspension 19
Financial need 19
Institutional commitments to student welfare 19
Academic integration 20
Social integration 20
Role conflict 21
Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY 22
Overview 22
Participants 23
Instrument 23
Reliability of the instrument 24
Validity of the instrument 24
Pre and Post Study 25
The Data Collection Procedure 25
Data Analysis 26
Chapter 4 RESULTS 27
Demographic Characteristics 28
RQ1: Is There any Relationship between Students Learning Satisfaction and the MOE Statistics? 29
RQ2: How do financial needs affect students’ decision to stop their studies or even drop out of continual education? 33
Q3: How does Campus Experience Affect Students and Push Them to Drop out of Extension Education Section? 38
Q4: How does Role Conflict Affect Students and Push Them to Dropout in Extension Education Section? 61
Summary 66
Chapter 5 CONCLUSION 67
Overview 67
Summary of the Major Findings 67
Research Limitations 70
Suggestion for Future Research 70
Conclusion 71
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