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研究生(外文):Liang-Yu Liao
論文名稱:促銷價值認知、購買意願與衝動性購買特質之研究-以Mister Donut為例
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Promotion Perceived Value, Purchase Intention and Impulse Purchase Character – A Case of Mister Donut
指導教授(外文):Wen-Ke Liang
外文關鍵詞:Perceived valuePurchase intention
  • 被引用被引用:3
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隨著經濟的不景氣與競爭環境的到來,愈來愈多的商家紛紛推出促銷活動來吸引消費者的目光。然而,當消費者看到引人注目的促銷活動卻會有不同的看法因而產生不同程度的購買意願。而有衝動性購買特質的消費者更會因為看見引人注目的促銷活動後而產生非計畫性的購買。本研究以Mister Donut之價格與非價格促銷活動作為提升消費者知覺價值的誘因,並加入消費者衝動性購買特質的干擾,探討對消費者購買Mister Donut意願的影響。本研究問卷係參考相關學者之問卷後,經修改設計而成,題項衡量則採用李克特五點量表,並以314位消費者為研究對象。
With the coming of competitive situation and economic recession, more and more shops launch many promotions to arrest consumers’ attention. However, it is important for sellers to launch attractive promotions and to catch customers’ attentions. Impulse purchase characters of consumers is one of the elements influencing on purchase intention when seeing the attractive promotions. Eventually, consumers’ purchase motivation will be aroused by the above factors. The promotions in this study would be divided into monetary and non-monetary promotion. The current study aims to further understand which kind of promotion would increase consumers’ purchase intention. Also, this current research takes the promotions from Mister Donut as the instance. There were approximately 314 subjects participated in this study. The questionnaire was formed after integrating related studies and modifying items in the survey, analyzed a five-point Likert scale.
中文摘要 v
Research Background and Motivation 1
Purpose of the Study 3
Research Questions 3
Significance of the Study 4
Hypotheses 4
Hypothesis one. 4
Hypothesis two. 4
Hypothesis three. 5
Research Flow 6
Promotion Tools 7
Definitions of promotion. 7
The classification of promotion tools. 8
Classifications of promotions. 9
Perceived Value 11
Definitions of perceived value. 12
Theories of perceived value. 13
Characters of Impulse Purchase 16
Definitions of impulse purchase character. 16
Classification impulse purchase character of customers. 17
Influential elements of impulse purchase characters. 20
Purchase Intention 22
Definitions of purchase intention. 22
Investigation of purchase intention. 23
Relationships of Variables 24
Relationships of promotions and perceived value. 24
Relationships of perceived value and purchase intention. 24
Relationships of impulse purchase character and purchase intention. 25
Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY 26
Research Framework 26
Operational Definitions of Variables and Measurement Items 26
Promotion tools. 26
Perceived value. 27
Impulse purchase characters. 28
Purchase intention. 29
Instrument 30
Pre-test 30
Descriptive statistics. 30
Validity. 31
Reliability. 31
Descriptive Statistics 32
Analysis of Reliability and Validity 32
Reliability and validity analysis of perceived value. 33
Reliability and validity analysis of purchase intention. 34
Reliability and validity analysis of impulse purchase character. 36
Tests of Hypotheses 36
Relations between promotions and perceived value. 36
Relations among perceived value, impulse purchase characters and purchase intention. 37
The effect of impulse purchase characters on perceived value and purchase intention. 39
Independent-Sample T Test and Cluster Analysis 40
Comparison of male and female in non-promotion purchase intention. 40
Comparison of high and low impulse purchase characters of consumers. 40
Results and Discussion 43
Implications and Suggestions 44
Limitations 46
Recommendations for Future Research 46
References 48
Appendix A 55
Survey Questionnaire (Chinese Version) 55
Appendix B 60
Survey Questionnaire (English Version) 60
Appendix C 64
Reliability and Validity Analysis of Impulse Purchase Characters 64
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