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研究生(外文):Gang Lee
論文名稱(外文):DEA-Based Integrated Relationship of Returns to Scale—An Application to Road Maintenance in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Lung-Chuang Wang
口試委員(外文):Sy-Jye GuoMing-Miin YuMing-Teh WangYuan-Ching HsuKuo-Shian LinWu, Tse-ChengJyh-Dong Lin
外文關鍵詞:Integrated Relationship of Returns to ScaleData Envelopment AnalysisRoad Maintenance.
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為評估各基層道路養護單位之執行績效,進而針對養護單位的規模報酬特性比較分析,並引為組織再造檢討、預算資源分配等公路養護政策之參考。本研究發展出整合式規模報酬關係(Integrated Relationship of Returns to Scale, IRRS);藉以比較傳統一階段與多階段資料包絡分析(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)評估方法在判斷各受評估決策分析單位(Decision Making Units, DMUs)規模報酬特性,以及效率分數的差異。本研究依據兩階段不同之規模報酬關係,發展出不同之二階段整合式規模報酬關係,並歸納出三種形式規模報酬組合。依據本研究所發展之整合式規模報酬關係,以台灣的31個公路總局養護工務段為實證對象,結果顯示傳統一階段之DEA分析方法,在養護工務段規模報酬特性的判斷上與多階段DEA的結果有所差異,歸類為技術效果具遞增規模報酬的有14單位,具遞減規模報酬的有4單位,固定規模報酬的有0單位,無法判定的有13單位。

The efficiency of highway maintenance by the lowest level of governmental engineering branch is evaluated using an integrated relationship of returns to scale evaluation method developed in this research for comparing the returns to scale characteristics of the basic highway maintenance units. The results can be referenced for reviewing projects, allocating resource, and developing highway maintenance policies. The integrated relationship of returns to scale evaluation method developed in this study for accessing the returns to scale characteristics of decision making units (DMUs) subject to evaluation is based on a two-phase return to scale relationship; A two-stage integrated relationship of returns to scale is developed to induce three forms of returns to scale combinations. The proposed returns to scale relationship have been tested using the case studies on 31 current highway maintenance construction offices of the Directorate General of Highways. The results using the traditional one-stage DEA analysis method to evaluate the returns to scale characteristics are different from those using the multi-stage DEA method. Among the 31 units evaluated, 14 units are categorized as increasing scale of returns for technological effects, 4 has decreasing scale of returns, and no unit has fixed scale of returns; 13 units cannot be determined.


摘 要 I
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究主題 2
1.3 研究貢獻 2
1.4 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1績效評估方法 4
2.2 資料包絡分析法 7
2.3公路養護績效評估 9
2.3.1傳統公路養護績效評估 10
2.3.2公路養護DEA績效評估 11
2.4 DEA之規模報酬分析方法 12
2.5 綜合評析 13
第三章 模式建構 14
3.1生產效率 14
3.2資料包絡分析法 15
3.2.1傳統資料包絡分析法 15
3.2.2二階段資料包絡分析法 26
3.2.3第一階段(生產過程):投入導向SBM模式 26
3.2.4第二階段(服務過程):產出導向SBM模式 27
3.3規模報酬分析 28
3.4整合式規模報酬分析 30
第四章 實證研究 37
4.1 績效評估決策單位之選擇 37
4.2 投入、產出項之選擇 37
4.3 資料檢視 41
4.4 實證結果分析 42
4.4.1 規模報酬比較分析 42
4.4.2 績效評估結果 45 整體績效評估結果 45 DMU效率評估結果 50
第五章結論與建議 55
5.1 結論 55
5.2 後續研究建議 56
參考文獻 57
附錄 65
簡歷 68


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