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研究生(外文):Wen-Shiuan Chen
論文名稱(外文):Investigation on mental workloads of physicaltherapists in performing rehabilitation task
中文關鍵詞:物理治療心智負荷NASA-TLXMcCracken-Aldrich technique
外文關鍵詞:Physical TherapyMental WorkloadNASA-TLXMcCracken-Aldrich technique
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由於全民健康保險的實施與醫療產業的快速成長,醫院為了加強競爭優勢, 同時必須提高醫療品質,也得提升服務效率,逐漸轉向以病患為優先的顧客導向關係,以吸引患者到院就醫。在醫院營運績效與品質控制上,除了醫療能力與專業的醫療團隊配合外,醫院管理的規劃能力與資源使用效率更是重要。本研究使用任務分析了解物理治療設備操作步驟,再應用McCracken-Aldrich technique心智負荷需求評估技術,分析物理治療師於操作治療設備時的心智負荷需求,並以NASA-TLX問卷訪問17位物理治療師進行相關性分析,結果顯示,的任務注意力資源耗用高低情形是可以用來解釋並預測物理治療師對於該任務之心智負荷高低的,最後希望能作為往後改善復健治療室任務作業程序的參考。

Health care industries have become an increasingly critical sector for most developed countries, and Taiwan is no exception. After the implementation of National Health Insurance program, the tightly regulated health care funding approach requires hospitals and physicians to find effective ways to utilize resources. The competition among hospitals to attract patients has pushed them to provide a medical service with higher quality and more customer-oriented operation. In order to achieve better management performance while maintaining adequate quality of care, the coordination between various medical professionals and the management team is the key. In this study , the task analysis was used to understand the operation steps of specific physical therapies. Second, the McCracken-Aldrich technique was applied to assign ratings of mental workload demanded for performing each step of the therapies. Finally, the assigned ratings were verified by the analysis of correlation with the answers of the NASA-TLX questionnaire collected from seventeen physical therapists at the rehabilitation department. Results showed that the levels of attention resource consumption used in the McCracken-Aldrich technique can effectively explain and predict the mental workloads of physical therapists when they performed operation steps at the rehabilitation department. The findings should be able to provide a foundation for the improvement of therapist-machine interactions at the rehabilitation department task procedures.

誌 謝iii
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究動機2
1.3 研究目的3
1.4 研究流程3
第二章 文獻探討5
2.1 心智負荷(Mental workload)5
2.2 心智負荷之測量方法6
2.2.1 主要任務績效衡量法(Primary task performance measures)7
2.2.2 次要任務績效衡量法(Secondary task performance
2.2.3 生理參數衡量法(Physiological parameters measures)7
2.2.4 主觀評比衡量法(Subjective rating assessment techniques) 8
2.3 多重資源理論(Multiple Resource theory)8
第三章 研究方法12
3.1 McCracken-Aldrich technique & VACP評量表(scale)12
3.2 NASA-Task Load Index13
3.3 實驗計劃15
3.4 實驗對象16
3.5 實驗步驟與流程 16
3.6 實驗數據資料分析20
第四章 研究結果21
4.1 McCracken-Aldrich technique 資料分析21
4.2 NASA-Task Load Index問卷資料結果28
4.2.1 受測者基本資料敘述統計 28
4.2.2 NASA-Task Load Index心智負荷分數資料28
4.3 McCracken-Aldrich 技術與NASA-TLX資料相關性分析結果34
4.3.2 腰椎牽引機之VACP分數與NASA-TLX心智負荷分數相關分析35
4.3.3 頸椎牽引機之VACP分數與NASA-TLX心智負荷分數相關分析36
4.3.4 復健設備之NASA-TLX與VACP的討論37
第五章 結論與建議38
5.2 未來研究建議39
附錄A NASA-TLX 心智負荷衡量問卷42


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