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研究生(外文):Jheng-Yu He
論文名稱(外文):Enhancement of Resonant Properties of LiNbO3 Microdisk Devices
外文關鍵詞:lithium niobatemicro diskresonatorion implantationfiber taper
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In this work, we fabricated LiNbO3 microdisk devices, which have high refractive index and quality factor, we also measure and analyze the characteristic of resonance. The –z face under-cut structure is fabricated by using ion implantation and wet etching techniques to achieve, its horizontal and vertical high index contrast, making it a more effective limititation of the light field in the resonator, reducing the scatter and radiation loss when light transmission. In the experiment, we can enhance the resonantor’s characteristic and lower the scatter loss of the device by use the surface thermal reflow process, approaching the melting temperature of the lithium niobate, making the surface more smoothly. In this way, we can reduce the roughness surface and irregularity pattern boundary, which is cause by wet etching. The thin region of the fiber taper is, the strong the evanescent field extend, which can elevate the coupling efficiency. By using the strong evanescent field in the tapered region we can couple it to micro disk. In the thesis, coupling to micro disk with 20μm diameter, thermal reflow non-thermal reflow and three hours separately, in non-thermal reflow we can get the FSR about 15.9nm, quality factor 4565,in thermal reflow three hours we can get FSR about 15.6nm, quality factor 18601.As shown the result, our lithium niobate micro disk have quality factor high as 104. In the future we will combine the electro-optic and nonlinear optic effect, fabricating high effective lithium niobate micro disk resonance device.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1積體光學簡介 1
1.2鈮酸鋰晶體特性 2
1.3微碟形共振腔 4
1.4論文內容簡介 8
第二章 理論分析 10
2.1微碟形共振腔模態理論分析 10
2.1.1幾何光學理論 10
2.1.2波動光學理論 12
2.1.3共振模態分析 15
2.2本質品質因子與外部品質因子 16
2.3耦合因子 18
第三章 微碟形元件製程 20
3.1鈮酸鋰元件製程 20
3.1.1薄膜沉積 20
3.1.2微影製程 21
3.1.3高溫熱處理 22
3.1.4離子佈植 23
3.1.5濕式蝕刻 25
3.2鈮酸鋰底切蝕刻製作原理 26
3.3鈮酸鋰微碟形元件製程步驟 27
3.4表面熱流處理 30
第四章 微碟形元件特性量測 33
4.1微碟形元件量測技術 33
4.2錐形光纖製作 35
4.3量測架設與量測步驟 37
第五章 結果與討論 40
5.1鈮酸鋰微碟形元件製作 40
5.1.1佈植離子電流對蝕刻速率的影響 40
5.1.2晶格破壞區擴展 42
5.1.3表面熱流處理平滑化製程 43
5.2鈮酸鋰微碟形元件特性量測與分析 46
5.2.1傳輸光譜量測結果分析 46
5.2.2耦合間距分析 49
第六章 結論 52
參考文獻 53
中英文名詞對照表 56
附錄:發表於2011年電子工程技術研討會之論文 58

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