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研究生(外文):Che-Ming Chang
論文名稱(外文):Application of real-coding on evolutionary computation for distribution system feeder reconfiguration problems under load variations.
外文關鍵詞:Distribution systemFeeder reconfigurationGenetic algorithmTOPSIS
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As the concepts of environmental protection and energy saving bring more attention, how to reduce the energy loss during the normal operations of distribution system becomes an important issue. Feeder reconfiguration is a very important technique that can be used to deal with different types of distribution system problems. By changing the distribution system structure the distribution system can be operated in a more efficient way during normal and contingency operations. Feeder reconfiguration is a typical combinatorial optimization problem. Due to the large amount of switches on a distribution system, the possible solutions of the switching operation plans increase dramatically. Therefore, searching for the best switching operation plan to accomplish the feeder reconfiguration becomes an important issue. This paper applies real-coding of Genetic Algorithm for single- and multi-objectives feeder reconfiguration under fixed load and various load conditions. The searching efficiency and stability with other coding methods are compared. In the multi-objectives feeder reconfiguration problems, the improved TOPSIS is applied to calculate the fitness value of the Genetic Algorithm in order to effectively solve the feeder reconfiguration problems.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻探討 3
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 配電系統問題描述 5
2.1 配電系統 5
2.2 配電自動化 7
2.3 饋線重構 8
2.4 變動負載配電系統下之目標函數與限制條件 10
第三章 研究方法 17
3.1 基因演算法 17
3.2 改良式TOPSIS多屬性決策 19
3.2.1 傳統TOPSIS多屬性決策法 19
3.2.2 改良TOPSIS多屬性決策法 21
3.3 演化式計算之編碼方式概述 25
3.3.1 二進制編碼方式 25
3.3.2 整數編碼方式 28
3.4 實數編碼 31
3.5 多時段編碼方式應用於基因演算法 36
3.5.1 各種編碼方式之多時段編碼 36
3.5.2 開關狀態二進制編碼之基因操作 38
3.5.3 開關編號整數編碼之基因操作 39
3.5.4 區域供電源整數編碼之基因操作 40
3.5.5 字串編碼之基因操作 41
3.5.6 實數編碼之基因操作 42
3.5.7 各種編碼方式染色體合法性之分析 43
第四章 模擬結果與分析 46
4.1 配電系統建立與描述 46
4.2 33-Bus單時段配電系統 47
4.2.1 單目標分析 48
4.2.2 多目標分析 51
4.3 121-Bus多時段配電系統 55
4.3.1 單目標分析 57
4.3.2 多目標分析 62
第五章 結論與未來展望 70
5.1 結論 70
5.2 未來展望 71
參考文獻 73

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