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研究生(外文):Wei-Lun Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Development of Strobscopic optical mapping system
指導教授(外文):Liang-Chia Chan
口試委員(外文):Yu-Jun LaiSheng-Lih Yeh
外文關鍵詞:Optical mappingvoltage-sensitive fluorescent dyecardiac electrophysiologystroboscopic techniquesaction potentials
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Optical Mapping is one of instruments in the field of cardiac electrophysiolog. The measurement is performed by firstly injecting electro-fluorescent dye into the heart tissues. Surface of the heart tissues emit fluorescent light when there is a action potential change and the emitted light is then captured by camera through an imaging system. The distribution and flow of the action potential on the surface of the heart tissues are evaluated from the captured images by analyzing variation and direction of the intensity variation in time and spatial domain. The electric current flow inside the tissue is very fast, therefore high speed imaging system must be employed and the phenomenon can only be recorded in a short period of time. The drawback is the spatial resolution has to be sacrificed and the price of the optical mapping systems is very high. The objective of this research is to build an optical mapping system with reasonable price without having to sacrifice the time and spatial resolution. The developed optical mapping system is equipped with stroboscopic lighting which is synchronized with the image acquisition system and also a real-time image acquisition system. Stroboscopic lighting is employed to overcome the limitation of camera speed by recombining the captured periodic optical signal. Therefore, the developed system possesses high resolution in both time and space compared to the conventional optical mapping system. Heart tissue of an experimental rat is employed in the experiment to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed method.

摘 要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究之特點 3
1.4 論文架構 4
第2章 理論背景與文獻回顧 5
2.1 心臟 5
2.2 心肌細胞電生理特性 6
2.2.1 心肌細胞 6
2.2.2 細胞膜電位 6
2.2.3 靜止膜電位 8
2.2.4 動作電位 9
2.2.5 心肌細胞的電生理 12
2.3 量測心臟電特性的工具 14
2.3.1 心電圖 14
2.3.2 微電極量測 15
2.4 光學式膜電位量測方式 16
2.5 文獻回顧結論 19
第3章 頻閃式光學映射技術原理 20
3.1 光譜 20
3.2 螢光發光原理 21
3.3 電場敏感性染劑di-4-ANEPPS 23
3.4 光學映射原理 25
3.5 頻閃技術 26
3.6 影像訊號處理與分析 28
3.6.1 影像格式 28
3.6.2 訊號正規化 28
3.6.3 低通濾波器 29
3.6.4 高斯糢糊 30
3.6.5 中值濾波 30
3.6.6 傅立葉轉換 32
3.6.7 巴特沃斯濾波 33
第4章 量測系統架構 35
4.1 硬體架構及選用 35
4.1.1 影像擷取系統 36
4.1.2 光源系統 38
4.1.3 顯微鏡系統 39
4.1.4 硬體機構設計 40
4.1.5 外部觸發頻閃控制模組 41
4.1.6 電子刺極器 45
4.1.7 循環系統 46
4.1.8 心電圖 47
4.2 軟體系統介紹 48
4.2.1 取像軟體介紹 48
4.2.2 分析軟體 49
4.3 頻閃控制器製作 50
4.3.1 頻閃外部觸發器及動作程序說明 51
4.3.2 頻閃控制器測試實驗架設 52
第5章 實驗結果與分析 54
5.1 頻閃控制器之驗證 54
5.2 光學映射實驗 62
5.2.1 離體心臟準備流程 63
5.2.2 訊號濾波處理 65
5.2.3 即時光學映射量測 67
5.2.4 頻閃式光學映射量測 71
第6章 結論與未來展望 75
6.1 結論 75
6.1.1 頻閃式光學映射系統之特點 75
6.1.2 研究成果 78
6.2 未來展望 79
參考文獻 80

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