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研究生(外文):Kuo-Yu Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Study on the Effect of Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions on DI Diesel engine by using Nanometer Ceramic Complexes Powder Lubricant Additives
外文關鍵詞:Additive Nanometer Ceramic Complexes Powder OilDiesel Engine PerformanceFuel ConsumptionExhaust Gas Emission
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Nano Powder Technology is explored on many territories. It plays a very important role in the future technological development. Since Nano Powder Technology has flourished in the past few years, many traditional territories in science technology and reducing wear technology can change the material of the mechanical, manufacturing processes and production methods. Many references also prove that it can reduce friction performances in Tribological territory. In this study, Nanometer Ceramic Complexes Powder Additive, also called NCCPA, is added into the original lubricating oil, and we test NCCPA’s ability in a single cylinder direct injection diesel engine experiments and compare with the original lubricating oil. The results show that NCCPA trial in diesel engine could diminish fuel consumption 1.30%, smoke concentration 18.87%, NOX concentration 2.99%, HC concentration 9.41% and can dwindle exhaust temperature 1.24% as well. It can prove that adding NCCPA into the original lubricating oil can diminish fuel consumption and emissions, and it augments the engine performance and the sealing of cylinder to ameliorate lubrication performance. NCCPA undoubtedly thus accomplishes the goal of energy saving.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 5
1.3 研究方法 6
1.4 研究範圍與限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 基礎潤滑學探討 8
2.1.1 摩擦學的發展 8
2.1.2 摩擦與摩擦表面接觸狀況 9
2.1.3 磨耗型態和分類 12
2.1.4 潤滑模式 14
2.1.5 邊界膜 16
2.2 內燃機潤滑油 17
2.2.1 內燃機潤滑系統概述 17
2.2.2 內燃機潤滑油功能 20
2.2.3 內燃機潤滑油之添加劑 23
2.3 柴油內燃機探討 25
2.3.1 柴油內燃機的燃燒過程 25
2.3.2 柴油內燃機的燃燒時期 26
2.3.3 柴油內燃機的廢氣排放 28
2.4 奈米粉末科技應用於潤滑油 32
2.4.1 奈米粉末科技的演進 32
2.4.2 奈米粉末潤滑油的改質與分散穩定性 34
2.4.3 奈米粉末顆粒應用於內燃機之潤滑 36
2.5 奈米潤滑油之相關研究 41
2.5.1 國內相關研究 41
2.5.2 國外相關研究 43
2.6 結語 45
第三章 實驗設備與方法 46
3.1 實驗設備 46
3.1.1 單缸柴油內燃機規格 48
3.1.2 內燃機馬力試驗機 49
3.1.3 NOx分析儀 50
3.1.4 HC分析儀 51
3.1.5 柴油黑煙濃度計 52
3.1.6 排氣溫度感知器 (exhaust gas thermo sensor) 53
5.1實驗使用之潤滑油 54
5.2實驗方法...... 56
第四章 實驗結果與討論 ..57
4.1柴油引擎實驗 57
4.1.1 BSFC值比較.........................................................................57
4.1.2 Smoke濃度之比較 60
4.1.3 NOX濃度之比較 63
4.1.4 HC濃度之比較 66
4.1.5 EGT值之比較 69
第五章 結論與建議 73
5.1 結論 73
5.2 建議 73
5.3 未來研究方向 74
參考文獻 76
A 原廠用機油應用於單缸柴油引擎之實驗數據 81
B 奈米炭機油應用於單缸柴油引擎之實驗數據 87

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