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研究生(外文):Cheng-Ting Chen
論文名稱(外文):Lightning and Switching Surges Characteristics and Affection Assessment of Extra-High Voltage Substation in the Science Park
外文關鍵詞:science parkextra-high-voltage (EHV) substationpotential risklightningswitching surgeground potential rise (GPR)
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The extra-high-voltage (EHV) substation(E/S) is erected continuously in each science park by Taiwan Power Company (TPC) for supplying power to substations and customers in the science park and nearby area. The lightning surges and switching surges of E/S are easily transferred to the downstream customers which are directly supplied by E/S. Thus, the impacts due to transferred surges will be more serious than that of other customers. The impacts will lead to damages on the insulation of distribution system and equipment and even threaten the safety of personnel. In thesis, the issue of surge damages of, the E/S in the science park and the E/S in the outside area of science Park (outside E/S) are studied. For both cases of customers directly supplied by E/S in the science park and indirectly supplied by outside E/S through distribution substation, the surge voltage and current are analyzed and compared, which include the analysis of lighting surges and switching surges transferred to the customers. Firstly, the circuit model of the system is constructed by the alternative transient program(ATP) of electromagnetic transient program(EMTP). Then, the surges at different locations due to lightning and switch operations are simulated and the characteristics of surge voltages and currents at customers are analyzed by ATP simulation. Based on the simulation results, the fault currents injected into grounding system at fault points are obtained. Finally, a software package for grounding system analysis, namely current distribution electromagnetic ground and soil structure analysis (CDEGS), is used to analyze the electromagnetic characteristics of ground grids of customer substations with respect to transient and steady states, which include the distribution of ground potential rise (GPR), potential on the ground surface, touch voltage, step voltage, conductor current and electromagnetic field (EMF) on the ground surface. According to the above analysis results, the risks of various surges are evaluated including the affections of lightning surges and switching surges on personnel, equipment and system.

摘 要 I
誌 謝 IV
目 錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與目的 1
1.2 相關文獻研究概況回顧 2
1.3 研究內容概述 2
第二章 系統架構及問題描述 5
2.1 超高壓變電所系統架構介紹 5
2.2 接地系統架構 8
2.3 雷擊突波問題描述 9
2.3.1 雷突波特性 10
2.4 開關突波問題描述 14
第三章 模型建立及參數設定 15
3.1 研究方法及流程簡介 15
3.2 供電系統模型之建立及參數設定 16
3.2.1 電磁暫態分析程式(ATP)介紹 16
3.2.2 345kV電源模型與參數設定[37] 18
3.2.3 主變壓器及匯流排模型與其參數設定[37] 20
3.2.4 345kV架空輸電線模型與其參數設定[37] 22
3.2.5 161kV系統模型及參數設定[37] 25
3.2.6 161kV地下電纜與其參數設定[37] 27
3.2.7 配電變壓器及線路避雷器模型與參數設定[37] 35
3.2.8 高壓電纜及高壓用戶負載模型與參數設定[37] 37
3.2.9 雷突波電流模型建立 39
3.2.10 供電系統模型之完整建立 40
3.3 接地系統模型建立及參數設定 43
3.3.1 接地系統電磁分析軟體(CDEGS)介紹 43
3.3.2 接地系統電磁分析模型之建立及參數設定 49
第四章 科學園區超高壓變電所雷擊突波分析 51
4.1 前言 51
4.2 雷突波案例分析條件說明 51
4.3 E/S設置於科學園區內雷擊突波分析 52
4.3.1 E/S於園區內主變壓器一次側雷突波分析 53
4.3.2 E/S於園區內345kV電源架空輸電線路雷突波分析 57
4.3.3 E/S於園區內161kV電源線路雷突波分析 61
4.3.4 E/S於園區內E/S地網雷突波分析 65
4.3.5 E/S於園區內雷突波案例檢討與比較 69
4.4 E/S設置於科學園區外(750m)雷突波分析 73
4.4.1 E/S於園區外750m處主變壓器一次側雷突波分析 74
4.4.2 E/S於園區外750m處345kV電源架空輸電線突波分析 76
4.4.3 E/S於園區外750m處161kV電源線路突波分析 78
4.4.4 E/S於園區外750m處E/S地網突波分析 80
4.4.5 E/S設置於科學園區外(750m)雷突波案例檢討與比較 82
4.5 E/S設置於科學園區外(1,500m)雷突波分析 84
4.5.1 E/S於園區外1,500m處主變壓器一次側雷突波分析 85
4.5.2 E/S於園區外1,500m處345kV架空輸電線雷突波分析 89
4.5.3 E/S於園區外1,500m處161kV電源線路突波分析 93
4.5.4 E/S於園區外1,500m處E/S地網雷突波分析 97
4.5.5 E/S設置於科學園區外1,500m雷突波檢討與比較 101
4.6 雷突波案例綜合分析結果討論 105
第五章 科學園區超高壓變電所開關突波分析 110
5.1 前言 110
5.2 開關操作條件及分析 110
5.2.1 E/S設置於科學園區內開關突波分析 111
5.2.2 E/S設置於園區內開關突波案例檢討與比較 122
5.2.3 E/S設置於科學園區外(750m)開關突波分析 125
5.2.4 E/S設置於園區外(750m)開關切離案例檢討與比較 136
5.2.5 E/S設置於科學園區外(1,500m)開關切離突波分析 139
5.2.6 E/S設置於園區外(1,500m)開關切離案例檢討與比較 150
5.2.7 開關突波案例綜合檢討與比較 153
第六章 接地系統電磁特性分析 162
6.1 前言 162
6.2 分析條件說明 162
6.3 特高壓及高壓用戶地網電磁特性分析 164
6.3.1 E/S設置於園區內雷擊E/S地網電磁暫態分析 164
6.3.2 E/S設置於園區內開關突波案例電磁暫態分析 169
6.4 雷突波與開關突波電磁暫態分析結果及討論 174
第七章 接地故障之風險評估 175
7.1 前言 175
7.2 人員安全評估 175
7.3 一般設備風險評估 179
7.4 敏感設備之風險評估 180
第八章 結論及未來展望 182
8.1 結論 182
8.2 未來研究方向 183
參考文獻 184

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