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研究生(外文):Yu-Ling Chu
論文名稱:普化學習環境之教育承擔特質: 以學習自然科學課程為例
論文名稱(外文):Educational Affordances of a Ubiquitous Learning Environment: An Example of Learning Natural Science Courses
指導教授(外文):Min-Sheng LinTan-Hsu Tan
口試委員(外文):Show-Hwa HwangChia-Ling HsuJohn y. ChiasngVictor R.L Shen
外文關鍵詞:Augmented realityEducational affordancesGame playText miningUbiquitous learning
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Educational affordances are worthy of being explored and discussed because the affordances of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) provide the pedagogical effects for promoting cognitive acceleration, enabling a wider range of experience, increasing the self-management of students, and facilitating data collection and presentation in science learning. However, research on educational affordances should explore the educational affordances of computer-assisted learning environments as well as that of open courses and not be limited to the educational affordances of ICT. This study aims to explore educational affordances on natural science courses with a ubiquitous learning environment. To address this research goal, this study employed a learning environment termed the Environment of Ubiquitous Learning with Educational Resources (EULER), and conducted a natural science course for eight weeks inside/outside classroom. The participants included elementary school teachers and fifth-grade students. Detailed studies of how the students use EULER and how this course affects their learning have enabled us to identify specific educational affordances and their potential application in supporting learning. This study describes thirteen educational affordances that were revealed through the responses given by students in an open-question survey and interviews, as well as through transcripts from researcher observations and student discussions. These educational affordances of ubiquitous learning environment employed in the natural science course have implications for current and future developments in pedagogy. Moreover, this study has established that the statistical degree of perceived educational affordances from students’ responses after they used the tools in course. The findings not only can help teachers understand how ubiquitous computing technology can aid natural science teaching, but also they may help students to realize how information technology improves learning.


中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
Contents v
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Importance 3
1.4 Purposes 3
1.5 Dissertation Organization 5
2.1 Definition of affordance 7
2.2 Educational affordances 11
2.3 Bloom’s Taxonomy 13
2.4 Mobile learning 14
2.5 Ubiquitous learning 15
2.6 Context-aware learning 18
2.7 Game-based lerning 19
2.8 Problem-based lerning 21
2.9 Collaborative learning 22
2.10 Virtual reality 23
2.11 Sensor technology 26
2.12 Text mining 27
Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY 29
3.1 Research structure 29
3.2 Research tools 32
3.3 Course design 34
3.4 Participants 36
3.5 Ubiquitous learning environment 37
3.6 Equipments 40
4.1 Experimental Procedures 43
4.2 Learning Scenario 43
4.3 Data sources 49
4.4 Data analyses 51
5.1 Actual affordance 53
5.2 Perceived Affordances(PA) 71
5.3 Perceived degree of educational affordances 80
5.4 Summary 83
Reference 93
Appendix 115
Publication List 145


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