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研究生(外文):Cheng-Han Lin
論文名稱(外文):Hop-count Localization Algorithm with Multi-power Beacons for Wireless Sensor Networks
外文關鍵詞:floyd-warshallMultidimensional scalingWireless sensor networks
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為解決定位問題,本論文透過以計算跳數的方式為主軸,並利用多維尺度分析的方式把未知節點的座標估測出來,再透過多功率傳送的修正方式對有可能產生較大誤差的座標節點進行修正。所提出方法稱為BIA-MMS (boundary-improved amorphous with multipower multidimensional scaling)定位演算法,並在其中考慮到不同的環境不規則傳輸程度與其他跳數演算法進行模擬與分析的比較。

With the fast development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), WSNs are gradually applied to various fields, such as medical monitoring, and getting close attention to their promising potential. WSN localization methods play an important role in the aforementioned applications, because many applications involve the need of localization.
To proposed an accurate localization method, this thesis focuses on calculating the number of hops and utilizes the multidimensional scaling analysis to estimate the coordinates of unknown nodes. Then, the method of multi-power transmission is used to refine some coordinates of nodes that might have larger errors. Incorporating the above concepts and taking the degree of irregularity (DOI) level in different environments into consideration, we propose a method, called the boundary- improved amorphous with multipower multidimensional scaling (BIA-MMS) localization algorithm.
Comparing the simulation results of BIA-MMS with the results using the DV-hop and amorphous localization algorithm, BIA-MMS lead to a 25% improvement in the localization accuracy. With any different environmental noise, the location error can be maintained at about 10% of transmission range.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機及目的 3
1.3 文獻回顧 4
1.4 研究方法 6
1.5 論文架構 7
第二章 無線感測器網路介紹 8
2.1 前言 8
2.2 無線感測器網路基本架構 8
2.3 無線感測器節點 10
2.3.1無線感測器節點概述 10
2.4 無線感測器網路作業系統-TinyOS 14
2.5 ZigBee協定 16
2.6 定位方法介紹 17
2.6.1 centroid定位法 17
2.6.2 GSL(grid-scan localization)定位法 19
2.6.3 DV-hop count定位法 21
2.6.4 a modified DV-hop定位法 23
2.6.5 APIT(approximate point-in-triangulation test)定位法 24
2.6.6 TOA(time of arrival)定位法 26
2.6.7 AOA(angel of arrival)定位法 27
2.6.8 RSSI(received signal strength indicator)定位法 28
第三章 BIA-MMS演算法及其平台建置 31
3.1 前言 31
3.2 網路初始化 31
3.2.1 100%覆蓋率模型 31
3.2.2 不規則傳輸程度模型 33
3.3 BIA-MMS定位演算法設計 36
3.3.1 Floyd最短路徑演算法 37
3.3.2 多功率信號信標的多維尺度定位演算法 45
第四章 定位模擬結果與分析 55
4.1 前言 55
4.2 模擬結果與分析 55
4.3 Matlab GUI 70
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 74
5.1 結論 74
5.2 未來研究方向 75
參考文獻 76

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