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研究生(外文):Cheng-Fong Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Study of the Kinematics and Kinetics of Different Lumbar Total Disc Replacement Designs
外文關鍵詞:Total disc replacementLumbosacral spineHybrid test method
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Total disc replacement (TDR) have been used to clinics as a surgery treatment for disc degeneration disease. Except to alleviate back pain, maintain the spinal segment motion at operated level may reduce the incidence of adjacent segment degeneration that related to spinal fusion. There are several TDR devices in clinical use. However, the biomechanical effects of the different TDR designs were not fully understood. Therefore, a three-dimensional finite element model of the lumbosacral spine was created to compare of the range of motion (ROM), instantaneous center of rotation (ICR) and facet joint force (FJF) at operated and adjacent levels after three different TDR devices implantation by using a Hybrid test method.
In vitro biomechanical testing of spine has been performed to help understand the function of the spine or assess the biomechanical efficiency of spinal surgical procedures. Therefore, a new spinal testing apparatus and experimental procedure were developed to apply a non-constraining pure moment to a quasi-static mechanical testing under flexion/extension, lateral bending and torsion. A porcine lumbar segment (L2-L6) was used to evaluate the measurement reproducibility of the spinal testing device.
In the first study, the FEA results showed the TDR can be used to prevent the motion compensation at adjacent levels. Except in flexion, the ROMs of all three implant designs in the operated level were significantly increased during extension and lateral bending. For torsion, the different implant designs showed a strongly differences of percentage changes in ROM. Only the Maverick caused increase of 39%, while the Charité and Flexicore lead to decrease of ROM. The positions of ICR were altered at the operated level after TDR insertion. For torsion, all implants caused an obvious migration pattern of ICR, ecpecially for implantation of Charité and Flexicore. The FJF predicted by the Maverick is smaller than the implantation of Charité and Flexicore during extension, lateral bending and torsion. Under the compression follower preload, the Maverick with the posterior COR (center of rotation) and larger radius could prevent the exaggerated lordosis at operated level. In constast, the Flexicore with small radius and the Charité with mobile core might lead to increase the lordosis angle and caused a high FJF. However, unconstrained configuration of the Charité with a moving COR lead to a lower facet shear force. Therefore, the FJF of the Charité was less than the Flexicore at operated level. In our finding, all three different TDR devices lead to considerably alter the kinematics and increase the FJF at operated level, Furthermore, the Maverick implant showed a smaller FJF may avoid the facet joint degeneration after implantation.
In the second part of this study, the spinal testing apparatus and the experimental procedure were developed and showed a good reproducibility of ROM for all loading conditions. The testing apparatus can be widely put into practical applications, such as surgery planning and prosthesis development.

摘 要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究背景 2
1.2.1椎間盤生理構造與力學特性 2
1.2.2椎間盤退化 4
1.2.3脊椎融合手術 5
1.2.4人工椎間盤置換 6
1.3市售腰椎人工椎間盤之介紹 8
1.3.1非拘束式人工椎間盤 (Unconstrained type TDR) 8
1.3.2拘束式人工椎間盤 (Constrained type TDR) 9
1.4文獻回顧 11
1.4.1人工椎間盤置換臨床表現相關文獻 11
1.4.2體外實驗相關研究 13脊椎測試平台(Spinal testing apparatus) 13人工椎間盤之體外實驗(TDR in-vitro testing) 15
1.4.3有限元素法相關研究 16
1.5研究目的 18
第二章 材料與方法 19
2.1腰椎人工椎間盤生物力學研究 19
2.1.1研究流程 19
2.1.2有限元素模型之建構 20腰薦椎有限元素模型 20人工椎間盤模型 22
2.1.3群組規劃 24
2.1.4接觸條件與邊界條件設定 24接觸條件設定 24邊界條件設定 24
2.1.5評估參數 26椎節活動度(Range of motion, ROM) 26椎體瞬時旋轉中心(Instantaneous center of rotation, ICR) 27小面關節接觸負載(Facet joint force, FJF) 28
2.1.6有限元素模型之收斂測試 28
2.2脊椎生物力學測試平台開發 30
2.2.1測試平台架構 30
2.2.2試片準備 31
2.2.3生物力學測試 31
2.2.4數據與分析 33
第三章 結果 34
3.1有限元素分析 34
3.1.1腰薦椎模型驗證 34
3.1.2椎節活動度(Range of motion, ROM) 35
3.1.3瞬時旋轉中心(Instantaneous center of rotation, ICR) 39
3.1.4小面關節負載(Facet joint force, FJF) 41
3.2體外實驗 44
3.2.1椎節活動度 44
第四章 討論 47
4.1人工椎間盤對活動度之影響 48
4.2人工椎間盤對瞬時旋轉中心之影響 49
4.3人工椎間盤對小面關節負載之影響 51
4.3.1活動度與小面關節負載之探討 52
4.3.2瞬時旋轉中心與小面關節負載之探討 54
4.4有限元素分析之限制條件 56
4.5生物力學測試平台開發 57
4.5.1體外實驗 58
4.5.2限制條件 58
第五章 結論與未來展望 60
5.1結論 60
5.2未來展望 61
參考文獻 62
附錄 70
附錄 1:脊椎體外實驗流程 70

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