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研究生(外文):Yao-Ting Wang
論文名稱(外文):Yagi-Uda Antenna for DTV Signal Reception
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Chieh Yu
口試委員(外文):Cyun-Sing JhengDe-Zhang Zeng
外文關鍵詞:DVB-TYagi-Uda AntennaDipole AntennaUHF Band
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本天線以FR4印刷電路板來設計出成本低,並利用八木天線高增益的特性來規畫出涵蓋數位電視頻段的天線,相較於其它要加上低雜訊放大器LNA(Low Noise Amplifier)才可提升信號功率強度的天線,本天線收訊是相當不錯的。本天線所著重的是全方向性,與其它八木宇田天線相比較,本論文朝著應用面前進,能達到接收無死角的優點。
本論文首先提出一個常見的印刷式八木宇田天線,並且設計成數位電視頻段,其大小為30×20×1.6cm3,所涵蓋頻率為561MHz~725MHz。第二個再提出彎曲式的八木天線,其大小為15×15×1.6 cm3,所涵蓋頻率為420~946MHz, 相較於原本的天線,本天線體積更小,但頻寬更寬。其次探討天線面積影響高低頻的問題,並找出影響高低頻的主因,接著就針對數位電視接收在不同的地方測試,目前台灣可收到的頻道為16個頻道。

Thesis Title: Yagi-Uda Antenna for DTV Signal Receptions Pages:108
School: National Taipei University of Technology
Institute: Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering
Date: July 2012 Degree: Master
Graduate Student: Yao-Ting Wang Advisor: Cheng-Chieh Yu, Provost, Prof., Ph.D.

Keywords: DVB-T, Yagi-Uda Antenna, Dipole Antenna, UHF Band

This paper presents a digital antenna, and designed to meet the global digital television broadcast receiver (470MHz ~ 860MHz) Yagi antenna.
FR4 printed circuit board, the antenna design, low cost, and high gain Yagi antenna characteristics to regulate draw the antenna covers the digital TV signals, to add compared to other low-noise amplifiers LNAs (Low Noise Amplifier) enhance the strength of signal power antenna, the reception of the antenna is pretty good. The focus of this antenna for omni-directional Yagi antenna, the paper feed toward the application before the can to achieve the advantages of receiving no dead ends.
We first present a printed Yagi antenna designed for digital TV signals, the size of 30 × 20 × 1.6cm3 covered by a frequency of 561MHz ~ 725MHz. The second proposed bending Yagi antenna, its size is 15 x 15 x 1.6 cm3 covered by the 420 ~ 946MHz frequency, compared to the original antenna, the antenna smaller, but wider bandwidth. Secondly, to explore the problem of low and high frequency of the antenna area, and to identify the main cause of low and high frequency, followed by digital TV receiver in a different place to test, Taiwan received channel for 16 channels.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 數位電視與類比電視的差異 2
1.3 數位電視廣播系統簡介 5
1.4 文獻探討 8
1.5 論文綱要 9
第二章 天線理論介紹 11
2.1 概述 11
2.2 微帶線 11
2.2.1 微帶線介紹 11
2.2.2 微帶線基本原理 14
2.2.3 微帶線之等效電路 17
2.3 天線 19
2.3.1 偶極天線 19
2.3.2 偶極天線寬頻特性與共振探討 25
2.3.3 寬頻帶天線 28
2.3.4 八木宇田天線 31
2.3.5 極化 35
2.4 巴侖 38
2.5 史密斯圖 39
2.6 匹配網路 41
2.6.1 L型匹配 41
2.6.2 π型匹配 42
2.6.3 T型匹配 43
2.6.4 總結 44
第三章 八木宇田天線設計與模擬 45
3.1 概述 45
3.2 八木宇田天線饋入架構 45
3.3 共振 50
3.4 八木宇田天線之巴侖模擬 51
3.5 以Coplanar-to-CPS饋入之八木宇田天線設計 55
3.6 Meander-line與H型天線理論 66
3.6.1 Meander-line理論 66
3.6.2 H型天線理論 69
3.7 以勾型饋入之八木宇田天線設計 71
第四章 數位電視簡介與實測 87
4.1 數位電視簡介 87
4.2 數位電視實測結果 89
第五章 結論 96
參考文獻 97
A 於2010年全國電信研討會發表之會議論文 101
研究心得 107
作者簡介 108

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