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研究生(外文):Hsi-Yang Yang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Air Cooled Conditioner Performance by Retrofitting to Hydrocarbon Refrigerant
外文關鍵詞:hydrocarbon refrigerants: R-290R-600aMINUS50 mixed refrigerantair-cooled water chilling systemgreenhouse effect
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實驗結果顯示在沒有改變任何元件及更換冷凍潤滑油下,基礎實驗結果以碳氫冷媒R-600a替換R-134a性能係數提升16%,實機實驗結果以碳氫冷媒MINUS 50替換原有R-22冷媒時,整體的氣冷式冰水主機性能係數表現提升1.9%。除了冷媒填充量減少及延續設備使用壽命,達到節能減排的效果。

Refrigeration system mainly moves heat from one end to another end in an enclosed system through refrigerant. The properties of refrigerant directly affect the efficiency and performance of refrigeration system, and recently even affect global climate and play a very significant role in ecological environment. Implementation of Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol has clearly explained the increasing concern of all mankind towards environmental protection. As greenhouse effect continuously expands, it is important to look for suitable refrigerants for the refrigeration system of the next generation.Air-cooled ice chiller, with the use of R-22 and R-134a refrigerants, is extensively used in the market. Under the conditions that the air-cooled water chiller mainframe must have its R-22 refrigerant replaced and the global warming potential (GWP) of R-134a is less than 150, with the original system remaining unchanged, the study explores its functional performance after directly replacing its refrigerant by hydrocarbon refrigerant, which is experimentally poured into the real machine from the foundation during replacement. The measured data are compared with the properties of R-22 and R-134a of the original system for making analysis.Experimental results show that under no change of component and replacement of refrigeration lubricant, after hydrocarbon refrigerant R-600a replaces R-134a refrigerant, the coefficient of performance (COP) is increased by 16%; and after hydrocarbon refrigerant MINUS 50 replaces the original R-22 refrigerant, the overall COP of the air-cooled water chiller mainframe is increased by 1.9%. In addition to decrease in filling amount of refrigerant and extension of the service life of equipment, the effects of energy saving and carbon emission reduction can be achieved.As observed from the above study, no matter in the aspect of environmental protection or in the aspect of performance, hydrocarbon refrigerant can be used as the best reference for improving the refrigerants of R-22 and R-134a for refrigeration system of the next generation. However, due to the burning feature of hydrocarbon refrigerant, complete measures have to be taken for the sake of safety.

摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3文獻回顧 7
1.4研究特色 17
第二章相關理論 18
2.1 碳氫冷媒介紹 18
2.2選用替代R-22及R-134a的碳氫冷媒 20
2.3替代冷媒碳氫冷媒R-290及R-600a基本特性 23
2.4MINUS50碳氫冷媒的基本特性探討 23
2.4.1MINUS50碳氫冷媒的一般特性 24
2.4.2替代冷媒MINUS50碳氫冷媒的非共沸特性探討 24
2.4.3替代冷媒MINUS50碳氫冷媒的溫度滑移特性探討 25
2.4.4替代冷媒MINUS50碳氫冷媒的分餾特性探討 26
2.4.5替代冷媒MINUS50碳氫冷媒的分餾特性引申填充冷媒的探討 27
2.4.6替代冷媒MINUS50碳氫冷媒系統冷凍油探討 27
2.4.7由替代冷媒MINUS50碳氫冷媒環境與安全探討 28
2.5碳氫冷媒充填量與安全性 29
2.5.1碳氫冷媒之安全性 29
2.5.2碳氫冷媒之充填量 31
2.6蒸氣壓縮冷凍循環之基本理論 32
2.6.1理想蒸氣壓縮冷凍循環 33
2.6.2實際蒸氣壓縮冷凍循環 35
第三章 實驗裝置與實驗步驟 37
3.1實驗裝置 37
3.1.1 基礎實驗相關實體設計 37
3.1.2實機實驗裝置相關實體設計 39
3.2實驗量測系統 41
3.2.1實驗量測裝置 41
3.2.2量測儀器之安裝 52
3.2.3儀器校正 52
3.3實驗量測方法 53
3.3.1實驗量測架構 54
3.3.2實驗量測流程步驟 54
3.4基礎實驗量測點 57
3.5實機實驗量測點 59
第四章實驗結果與討論 61
4.1基礎實驗結果與討論 61
4.1.1冷媒R-134a及替代碳氫冷媒R-600a基礎實驗 61
4.1.2冷媒R22及替代碳氫冷媒R-290、MINUS50基礎實驗 64
4.1.3基礎實驗結果與討論 69
4.2實機實驗結果與討論 71
第五章 結論與建議 76
5.1結論 76
5.2後續研究 77
相關文獻 78
符號整理 82

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