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研究生(外文):Kun-Hung Chen
論文名稱(外文):A study of Thermally Activated Building Systems in Taiwan''s general residential
指導教授(外文):An-Shik Yang
口試委員(外文):Chiang-Ho ChengYang-Cheng Shih
外文關鍵詞:TABSAir ConditioningThermal Radiation
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As located in the subtropical zone, Taiwan’s power consumption generated from refrigeration and air-conditioning has taken up more than 40% of its total annual energy demand. Hence, reasonable reduction of power consumption and development of renewable energy have turned out to be two crucial issues in this day and age. When it comes to buildings, if Thermally Activated Building Systems can be integrated into the design by combining the building’s concrete thermal storage characteristic with groundwater, lakes and the energy provided by the night operating chiller, the energy demand required during the daytime peak period shall be reduced and the capacity of the refrigeration and air-conditioning system shall further slip. In so doing, energy will be consumed more efficiently and carbon emissions will be cut down, so buildings can be more energy efficient. This paper first used the eQUEST building simulation software to simulate existing samples. The existing samples came from the empirical data of an office building near Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The building has combined radiant cooling floors with the lake’s low-temperature water system to effectively alleviate heavy power consumption in the daytime peak period. Afterwards, the paper used general residences in Taiwan as design samples. Likewise, eQUEST was used for simulating and giving analysis of comparison with existing samples. The result shows that other parameters of the building change (e.g. outer walls and glass windows), the total power consumption would vary. For instance, the total power consumption would increase by 60% when using ferroconcrete outer walls, but it would only be up 2% if using one-layer glass windows. It illustrates that adopting a better U value for outer walls could conserve more energy.

摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 5
1.3文獻回顧 7
第二章 理論分析 11
2.1熱輻射地板系統理論分析 11
2.1.1熱輻射地板系統介紹 11
2.2熱傳遞介紹 13
2.2.1熱傳導 13
2.2.2熱對流 14
2.2.3熱輻射 15
2.2.4整體熱傳效率 16
2.3計算分析軟體eQUEST說明 17
第三章 模擬方法 19
3.1模型建構 19
3.1.1影響空調負荷因子 19
3.1.2空調負荷参數 19氣候分區及建築方位 19建築構造及玻璃之熱傳率 20
3.1.3標準辦公建築模型 22建築物模型 22室內發熱源 24空調系統 26
3.2模擬條件與步驟 29
第四章 結果與討論 30
4.1模擬條件比對 30
4.1.1冷卻曲線比對 30
4.1.2耗能曲線比對 32
4.2模擬結果 34
4.2.1台灣城市之建物耗能 34
4.2.2不同方位之建物耗能 35
4.2.3不同外牆之建物耗能 37
4.2.4不同玻璃之建物耗能 38
4.2.5不同室內溫度之建物耗能 39
第五章 結論 40
參考文獻 42
符號彙編 57

Website: www.epochtimes.com/b5/12/2/2/n3500481.htm
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