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研究生(外文):Shi-Yin He
論文名稱(外文):Energy Saving Effects of energy management practices in residential and commercial sector - A Case Study of Taichung district
外文關鍵詞:Residential and commercial sectorEnergy Conservation Measures (ECMs)Energy consumption
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本研究乃針對場所空間內使用之照明及空調用電,以實際測量室內環境物理量資訊為依據,評估其最佳之行為操作策略,以減少用電量。實驗於現場蒐集用戶用電資訊,調查場所使用之耗能設備及使用頻率,估算場所內之實際負載,並配合使用環境感測儀器,測量現場照度、溫溼度、風速,蒐集室內物理環境數值作為節能減碳策略分析之基礎;另一重點為使用雲端服務Google Map功能,調查建築物所處方位、座向,結合中央氣象資訊,分析日曬、風向等氣候條件對於建築物的耗能影響,由此來分析節能減碳策略。

This research project focuses on the Lighting and air-conditioning power consumption. By actual measurement the indoor environments, to create operation strategy and best behavior, in order to reduce electricity use. By collect the users of electricity consuming information, and onsite investigate focus group location''s floor area, energy- equipment and frequency of use to estimation the actual energy load within the places. Compatible cccwith measuring instruments to measurement the site’s illuminance, temperature, humidity and wind speed, to collect the indoor physical environment numerical. Moreover, use Google Map cloud services, to analysis the buildings location and face side. Combined with weather information to analysis the building energy consuming effect by sun, wind and other climatic conditions. Those data are required in order to develop the carbon reduction strategies for specific location.
The focus locations are total 18 sites, including convenience stores, retail stores, hotels, and office space. After the apply to carbon reduction strategies, air conditioning (reaching neutral comfortable conditions) save up to 15% electricity and lighting (achieve the desired lighting effects) savings 32.4% of electricity.
By improve user behavior management was able to reduce costs, most location are able to can be retrieve initiate founding in few months. Have much shorter retrieve period compare to equipment replacement, which usually take minimum two years. After feather improvement of the behaviors, in this case totaling annual savings of electricity can reach 517,812 degrees, equivalent to approximately $ 1,500,000 NTD. The total investment amount only $ 170,000.

摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 文獻回顧 6
1.3.1 台灣氣候與地理環境 6
1.3.2 熱舒適度指標 7
1.3.3 照明之相關規範 12
1.3.4 節能措施應用之相關文獻 16
第二章 研究方法 17
2.1研究方法與執行步驟 17
2.2實驗儀器 19
2.3環境物理量測量方法 22
2.4 案例量測結果 23
第三章 案例現況及改善策略 28
3.1 既有設備概述 28
3.1.1照明設備 28
3.1.2空調設備 40
3.2 耗能因素分析 43
3.2.1 設備耗能因素 43
3.2.2 地理環境造成耗能因素 43
3.3 耗能現況整理及改善策略 47
第四章 住商部門導入節能手段效益分析 53
4.1案例用電結構分析 53
4.1.1用電基本資料 53
4.1.2耗電結構分析 55
4.2 節能效益分析 57
4.2.1 照明設備節能效益 57
4.2.2 空調設備節能效益 58
4.2.3 總節能效益 59
4.3 導入措施之回收年限 60
第五章 結論與未來展望 61
參考文獻 62
符號彙編 66

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