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研究生(外文):Guan-Mei Lin
論文名稱(外文):Women''s Political Participation in Chile after 1990 Democratization
指導教授(外文):Hsiu-Chi Wang
外文關鍵詞:ChileDemocratizationGender QuotaGender RoleMariarismoSERNAMWomenWomen&apos&aposs MovementWomen&apos&aposs Political Participation
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This thesis reviews the history that Chilean president Allende attempted to implement a socialist economic system in the early 1970s, but the socialist experiment failed and provoked women’s protest. In 1973, General Augusto Pinochet overthrew Allende''s Socialist government and imposed a military regime. The thesis also examines the underground women’s movement during the days of military rule (1973-1990) under General Augusto Pinochet.

The main purpose of this thesis is to explore women’s political participation in Chile after 1990, the contribution of the Servicio Nacional de la Mujer (SERNAM), and factors that may affect women’s chances of participating in politics. Besides, the author examines all women policies, related legislation or laws in Chile since 1990 democratization and attempts to find out the gender implications in the policies. Furthermore, the author analyzes a number of factors that impede the implementation of gender quota in Chile.

In general, the door to get into politics is rarely open for women. Fortunately, Chilean women do have chance to gain a position in politics due to their contribution in the past. However, the results show that gender role and the family expectation still affect women, mariarismo and machismo as well. In 2006, the first women president was elected in Chile, this makes Chile just follow the tendency of “Women in Charge” in entire Latin American. Nevertheless, those cultural factors like gender role and mariarismo continuity affect women of participating in politics till today.

第一章 緒論 .....1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的 .....1
第二節 研究方法與研究範圍 .....2
第三節 研究限制與章節安排 .....3
第四節 名詞釋義 ..... 5
第二章 女性與政治 ..... 9
第一節 女性主義概念 .....9
第二節 女性主義及政治的相互關聯 .....20
第三節 女性經濟地位與政治投入的相對關係 .....23
第三章 1990年前智利婦女運動 .....27
第一節 婦女形象與婦女運動 .....27
第二節 阿燕德(Salvador Allende)時期婦女運動 .....34
第三節 皮諾契(Augusto Pinochet)時期婦女運動 .....40
第四章 制度化的成果—智利國家婦女部(Servicio Nacional de La Mujer, SERNAM) .....47
第一節 從婦女運動到制度化的國家婦女部(SERNAM) .....47
第二節 國家婦女部(SERNAM)的角色與提出之方案 .....52
第三節 國家婦女部(SERNAM)的貢獻與影響 .....61
第五章 婦女在體制內的政治參與 ..... 65
第一節 析論婦女參政實況 .....65
第二節 婦女參政之阻礙與性別比例立法 .....75
第六章 婦女權利的提升與實踐 .....83
第一節 1990年以來立法成果與性別意涵 .....83
第二節 再論性別比例:立法道路上的阻力 .....88
第三節 婦女從政的新頁:蜜雪兒‧巴舍萊(Michelle Bachelet) .....94
第七章 結論 .....99
參考文獻 ..... 104

圖 5-1 歷年內閣部長男女比例 ..... 65
圖 5-2 歷年內閣部會次長男女比例 ..... 67
圖 5-3 智利行政區之女性長比例趨勢 ..... 68
圖 5-4 智利行省之女性長比例趨勢..... 69
圖 5-5 歷年參議院女性員比例趨勢 ..... 70
圖 5-6 歷年眾議院女性員比例趨勢 ..... 70
圖 5-7 歷年眾議院委員會女性比例趨勢 .....71
圖 5-8 歷年最高法院女性官比例趨勢 ..... 73
圖 5-9 歷年上訴法院女性官比例趨勢 .....74
表 5-1 拉丁美洲各國實施性別比例制之女議員異動 ..... 80
表 6-1 智利 1990 年來女性權益法案總覽.....84

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