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研究生(外文):Ming-Che Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Licensing strategy and financial structure
指導教授(外文):Chao-Cheng Mai
外文關鍵詞:Fixed-fee LicensingRoyalty LicensingMix LicensingFinancial Structure
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本文分別探討若兩家廠商在市場上進行同質產品數量競爭或異質產品價格競爭並且可以使用財務策略的情況下,產業外授權廠商的最適授權策略為何。當市場上兩家廠商進行為同質產品數量競爭下,本文得到下列結論:(1) 當技術創新程度較小時,產業外授權廠商將選擇單位權利金 (royalties) 授權。(2) 當技術創新程度較大時,產業外授權廠商授權給兩家廠商將使用混合策略授權 (mixed licensing)。當市場上兩家廠商進行為異質產品價格競爭下,本文得到下列結論:(1) 當技術創新程度較小且廠商產品趨近完全同質時,則產業外授權廠商將選擇單位權利金授權。(2) 技術創新程度較大且廠商產品趨近完全同質時,則產業外授權廠商使用單位權利金授權和獨家固定權利金授權(Fixed fee licensing),授權廠商的預期利潤是相同的。在上述本論文的結論中,尤以同質產品數量競爭下的結論最為重要。

This paper discusses homogeneous products quantity competition or heterogeneity products price competition in two firms in the market and financial strategy, optimal licensing strategy of outside licensing patentee. When the two firms on the market proceed homogeneous products quantity competition, the following conclusions: (1) Technological innovation to a lesser extent, outside licensing patentee will choice royalties licensing. (2) Technological innovation to a larger extent, outside licensing patentee license to give two firms to use a mixed licensing. When the two firms on the market proceed heterogeneity products price competition, the following conclusions: (1) When technological innovation to a lesser extent and products closer to a completely homogeneous, outside licensing patentee will choice royalties licensing. (2) When technological innovation to a larger extent and products closer to a completely homogeneous, outside licensing patentee choice royalties licensing and fixed fee licensing of single firm, the expected profit of the patentee are the same. In conclusion of this paper, the most important conclusion is homogeneous products quantity competition.

目 錄-----------------------------------------------------I
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------1
第二章 文獻回顧---------------------------------------------3
2.1 財務結構文獻------------------------------------3
2.2 產業外授權文------------------------------------5
第三章 數量競爭下最適授權策略與財務決策--------------------------9
3.1 基本模型---------------------------------------9
3.2 獨家授權--------------------------------------14
3.3 非獨家授權------------------------------------19
3.4 授權廠商的最適授權策略---------------------------24
第四章 價格競爭下最適授權策略與財務決策-------------------------28
4.1 基本模型--------------------------------------28
4.2 獨家授權--------------------------------------31
4.2.1 兩家廠商同時並存-------------------------31
4.2.2 被授權廠商以阻卻價格訂價------------------34
4.2.3 被授權廠商形成獨占-----------------------38
4.3 非獨家授權------------------------------------41
4.4 授權廠商的最適授權策略---------------------------44
第五章 結論-----------------------------------------------47

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