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研究生(外文):Hao-Chung Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Design of Service Oriented Architecture Concept Based on R-OSGi Distribution System
指導教授(外文):Wei-Tsong Lee
外文關鍵詞:Distributed ProcessingR-OSGiService Oriented Architecture
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服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture,SOA)是一種的系統架構模型,主要的概念是針對企業需求組合而成的一組軟體元件,其可重組、敏捷的特性在導入新的專案將可縮短其研發時間。其特性是在傳統的主從式架構中加入一個新的元件稱為Service Registry,他負責蒐集目前平台上的所有服務,當使用者需要服務的時候,可以至Service Registry取得想要的服務。
OSGi(Open Service Gateway Initiative)平台的成立即是希望創造出一個平台去建立完善的SOA架構。在OSGi平台上同時也擁有一個元件稱為Service Registry,在OSGi平台上可以將多種常用的函式庫、模組去向Service Registry去做發佈服務;而使用者在開發程式時可以去Service Registry取得服務,縮短開發時間。而在傳統的OSGi只限於使用在自己的平台,R-OSGi的誕生是在傳統的OSGi平台上安裝一個新的函式庫,可以利用這些函式將服務宣告成遠端型態,。

Service oriented architecture is a model of system architecture, the main concept is a combination of a set of software components for business needs, and the characteristics of its restructuring can shorten development time while importing a new project. Unlike the Client-server model, it adds a new component between the client and server called “Service Registry”. The Service Registry collects all the services in the platform, when the client needs the service, it can go to the Service Registry to request the service, reuse the service in the platform.
The establishment of the OSGi(Open Service Gateway initiative) platform is to create a platform to build a comprehensive SOA model. OSGi platform has a component called “Service Registry”. We can publish variety of commonly used library, modules to the Service Registry, and then the program developer can go to the Service Registry to call and reuse the modules while programming to reduce the development time. In the traditional OSGi, it limited to use the Service Registry in their own platform, we can’t use the service in other devices’ Service Registry. The born of the R-OSGi is to resolve this problem, it adds a new library so that it can declare the service as the remote type, and then the other device can use the service in this machine.
There is no unified management platform of the R-OSGi today; this paper will build a new Service-Oriented Architecture based on the remote characteristics of R-OSGi, a unified management platform. The user can go to this platform to get the library in the Internet and import to the project while programming to reduce the development time. The proposed distribution system can help the low-end computing machine to handle large amounts of data.

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 背景知識與相關研究 6
2.1 服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture) 6
2.1.1 Proxy Based (Jini) 8
2.1.2 Web服務(Web Service) 12
2.1.3 點對點技術(Point to Point, P2P) 16
2.2 開放式服務閘道平台(OSGi) 20
2.3 R-OSGi 22
2.4 Service運作流程 23
第三章 系統架構 32
3.1 Service Provider Server (SPS) 35
3.2 High Speed Computing Server (HSCS) 37
3.3 Bundle Server (BS) 39
3.4 Client 40
第四章 實驗與效能評估 43
4.1 建立Proxy時間測試 44
4.2 Client to One HSCS(遞迴程式) 47
4.3 Client to Multi HSCS 50
第五章 結論與未來研究 54
參考文獻 56

圖2.1 服務導向架構的基本模型 7
圖2.2 Jini的服務導向架構模型 9
圖2.3 Service加入Lookup Service Proxy流程 10
圖2.4 Client尋找Service的Proxy運作流程 11
圖2.6 Web Services架構 15
圖2.7 傳統主從式架構 16
圖2.8 P2P網路分享技術 18
圖2.9 Peer to Peer SOA架構圖 19
圖2.10 OSGi分享程式示意圖 21
圖2.11 R-OSGi範例 22
圖2.12 Service Interface Class 24
圖2.13 Service Implements Class 24
圖2.14 OSGi Service註冊流程(1) 25
圖2.15 OSGi Service註冊流程(2) 26
圖2.16 OSGi Service註冊流程(3) 26
圖2.17 OSGi Service註冊流程(4) 27
圖2.18 OSGi Service註冊流程(5) 27
圖2.19 R-OSGi架構中四個主要Bundle 28
圖2.20 R-OSGi 運作流程(1) 29
圖2.21 R-OSGi運作流程(2) 29
圖2.22 R-OSGi運作流程(3) 29
圖2.23 R-OSGi運作流程(4) 30
圖3.1 系統架構圖 32
圖3.2系統架構運作流程 34
圖3.3 Service Provider Server內部架構 36
圖3.4 High Speed Computing Server內部架構 38
圖3.5 Bundle Server內部架構 39
圖3.6 Client內部架構 41
圖4.1 Mini 6410 43
圖4.2 Traditional OSGi VS Remote OSGi Service 45
圖4.3 三色河內塔的規則 48
圖4.4 Client to One HSCS (Tower of Hanoi) 49
圖4.5 Client to Multi HSCS 51
圖4.6 Client to Multi HSCS (HSCS Only) 52
圖4.7 本系統架構與雲端結合概念圖 55

表4.1 Mini6410規格. 44
表4.2 HSCS設備規格 44
表4.3 Client和HSCS連線時間(初始化) 46
表4.4 Client和HSCS連線時間(初始化後) 46
表4.5 三色河內塔盤子移動次數 49

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