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研究生(外文):Hui-Ting Yu
論文名稱:西班牙非法移民問題之研究: 以北非移民為例
論文名稱(外文):The Study of the Illegal Immigrants from North Africa in Spain
外文關鍵詞:Illegal ImmigrantsNorth AfricaSpainPush and Pull TheoryDual Labor Markets Theory
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Spain was a country of emigration. After joining to the EC, Spain’s economy grew continuously which lured lots of foreign immigrants. The increasing numbers of the immigrants transferred Spain into a country of immigration. With growth in formal economy, the underground economy was booming at the same time. Thanks to the large proportion of the underground economy which was composed of both the legal and illegal works, many illegal immigrants could find a job and live in Spain. The underground economy was one of the pull effect.
In addition, the loose immigration policy was the other pull effect. Especially in the southern border which had the loose restriction, the number of illegal North African who passed the border easily increased year by year. The reasons above enabled the illegal North African to have the income and sustain their livings in Spain.
The EU has had their eyes on the immigration issue since 80s.Because of the free movement of people, which achieved under the EU common market in 90s, the number of illegal immigrants began to increase. Under free movement of people, European have the right to work, live and travel in another EU countries, while at the same time illegal immigrants benefit from the rules. That accounts for the soaring illegal population which became a problem in the member states.
Without strict immigration policies, Spain has attracted illegal immigrants and become a hub in the Mediterranean region. North Africa has different culture and religion. Therefore, the illegal immigrants from these countries bring attention in Spain. Not only Spain but also the EU consider about the affection of illegal immigrants from North Africa. The EU has not the common migration policy, and hence the migration policy is based on each member states. In order to reduce the number of illegal immigrants, Spain reinforce its southern border. Aside of border control, legalization is one of the main policy to decrease illegal immigrants in Spain.
The structure of this study is as followed. First, the historical background of immigration in Spain. Second, the social and economy impacts of illegal immigrants in Spain. Third, in order to reduce the illegal immigrants, how the EU and Spain combat them and what are the measures under immigration policy.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法 3
第三節 文獻評析 7
第四節 研究架構 12
第五節 研究範圍 13
第二章 西班牙移民背景 14
第一節 西班牙從勞工輸出國轉變移民接收國之背景 15
一、第一階段 1950年到1970年初 15
二、第二階段 1973年到1990年 16
三、第三階段 1990年之後 19
第二節 西班牙的非法移民 26
一、地中海區的非法移民 26
二、西班牙的北非非法移民 28
第三章 北非非法移民之影響 37
第一節 經濟層面 38
一、非法移民合法化 55
二、勞工定額制度 58
三、從地下經濟延伸的社會影響 61
第二節 社會層面 61
第四章 西班牙對非法移民政策的實施 71
第一節 歐盟層面 72
一、歐盟的非法移民相關政策規範之發展 72
二、邊境管制的共同政策和與非法移民來源國之合作 84
第二節 西班牙層面 88
一、西班牙移民政策制定的發展 91
二、西班牙對外移民政策 102
第五章 結論 119
參考書目 122

圖1-1研究架構 12
圖2-1外來勞工在西班牙主要從事之產業比例 18
圖2-2西班牙1980年到2010年外國移民數量 22
圖2-3 2000年到2007年非法移民在直布羅陀和加那利島的數量 29
圖3-1西班牙雇主雇用非法移民之比例 52
圖3-2西班牙非法勞工和當地勞工的比例 53
圖4-1 1999年到2006年非法勞工數量 109

表2-1 1983年到1995年西歐國家的失業率 18
表2-2 1998年和2008年外來移民前五大聚集地 20
表2-3 1990年到2010年西班牙境內移民來源國的數量 25
表3-1 90年代西班牙地下經濟之比例平均值(%) 43
表3-2 2000年到2011年西班牙地下經濟之比例(%) 44
表3-3 地下經濟的分類 45
表3-4 西班牙2009年各產業占地下經濟之比例 50
表3-5 2004年外國人在西班牙產業工作的比例 54
表3-6 西班牙和其他南歐國家非法移民合法通過數量(千人) 57
表3-7 西班牙老人比例 60
表3-8 西班牙穆斯林族群的人數比例 70
表4-1 非法移民在西班牙和其他南歐國家邊境被逮捕的數量 98
表4-2 2003年到2006年 非法移民抵達加那利群島的數量 98
表4-3 2000年到2005年非法移民乘船進入西班牙被逮捕數量 106
表4-4 西班牙六次非法移民合法化申請和通過的數量 115

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